My Masters' Nightmare, Season 1 / Episode 14
hidden under clothes, and because I was so scared of her, I never
told him. Though, school discovered it once. I got a huge strapping
because of it.”
    “ Why d idn’t the school take it to the
    “ Because we’re
    “ True. I remember many of the
teachers treated us with kid gloves. I think they were scared of
    I nodded, having experienced
it . “Though,
my auntie Concetta found out about the abuse. She almost killed my
mother over it. I think she only stopped when she saw me by the
stairs watching. I still remember what she said to my mother. It
was the weirdest thing. She told her that she would pay for hurting
her baby boy.”
    Camila frowned.
“ Her baby
    I nodded. “My auntie always
told me she wished she could raise me instead of my awful mother.
She was so nice to me. She often called me baby boy , though it was the first time she’d
called me hers. But in the end, my auntie wasn’t able to take
revenge. The next day your famiglia shot my parents dead.”
    “ I thought another famiglia was
    “ They were set up. If anything,
the Padre probably ordered the hit.”
    “ But, I was told he met you when
you moved here.”
    “ No. The first time I saw him
was at Sunday mass. I still remember him telling my mother that she
was truly blessed by God to have an angel in her presence. A few
days later her and my father were gunned down, and I was sent to my
uncle’s house. Then your uncle came over to console me, pretending
he was there to help me get through my parents’ deaths. Not long
after that, he was helping himself to me.”
    Camila stared at me, her eyes
sorrowful. “You’ve never known happiness, have you?”
    “ I had moments of
happiness with my father.”
    “ You said he was hardly
    “ When he was, I treasured
those moments.”
    “ And since he
    I grimaced.
    “ Not even one moment of
    “ I’d thought I had it with Sophia, but she
deceived me.”
    Her face hardened. “That woman
is a troia ; she doesn’t deserve you.”
    I smiled sadly. “Who deserves me and my
craziness, then?”
    She raised her chin. “I don’t, but I want
    “ You hardly know me, Camila,
a nd when you
do, you’ll either become obsessed with me or you’ll find a stronger
man and cheat on me. That’s what women do.”
    “ How many have cheated on
    “ Just Sophia.”
    “ You shouldn’t judge all
wo men
because of one cheat.”
    “ The other option isn’t good
either. All the rest became obsessed with me, ending up dead or
sold into slavery, or in Bianca’s case, beaten to a
    She grimaced at Bianca’s
name. “So,
you don’t believe you’ll ever find someone who will
    “ No. I’ll probably end up in
a mental
asylum. Anyway, I’m getting cold.” I headed for the wardrobe,
stopping at the sound of footsteps behind me. I turned around,
finding Camila staring at me strangely. “What?”
    “ I want to look after
    “ I don’t need looking
    “ You just said you’ll probably end up in
an asylum, which means you need looking after. I want to do
    “ Why?”
    “ I want to fix
    “ You can’t fix me; I’m completely
    “ Let me try.”
    “ Only the other week you couldn’t stand
me. Why the sudden change?”
    “ You couldn’t stand me
either. And it’s because I actually got to know you.”
    I frowned. “Are you becoming
obsessed with me?”
    “ No, you’re just fascinating,
not to mention I’m widely attracted to you. And,” she smiled,
“you’re fantastic in bed.”
    I snorted out a laugh. “Guess I’ll take
that as a compliment.”
    “ You should . And I’ll tell you another
reason why I want you: I love bad boys.”
    I laughed. “Are you serious?”
    “ Sì. You’re even badder than
    “ And you’re delusional. Guess my craziness
is contagious.”
    She moved in closer, wrapping
her arms around my waist. “

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