Saturday Night Special

Free Saturday Night Special by Mari Carr

Book: Saturday Night Special by Mari Carr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mari Carr
pleasure. He reached around to grip her breasts, halting their movement as they swung under his forceful motions. He pinched her nipples while telling her all the dirty, lovely things he wanted to do to her.
    His words—as much as his powerful fucking—pushed her over the edge again. Her body shuddered as it came down from the most intense orgasm of the century. She collapsed on her stomach, struggling to catch her breath.
    “Not finished yet,” Aaron whispered, kissing the nape of her neck.
    “You’re going to have to go on without me.” Her words were muffled by the pillow. “Think I died halfway through that last orgasm.”
    He chuckled but remained undaunted. He rolled her onto her back. “One more, Riley,” he insisted. “One more time, together.”
    He came over her once more, nudging her legs apart. This time he took her the way he’d promised at the beginning. His motions were slow, steady and loving, and her 63
    Mari Carr
    body embraced them. Every pulse of his cock teased her sensitive flesh, driving her to the peak. She’d never come this easily, this quickly.
    Aaron thrust deeply one last time and she gave herself up to the feeling and to him.
    He cried out above her, his climax driving hers even higher.
    “Love you,” he said as his cock erupted inside her, filling her with his come. “God, I love you, Riley.”
    He lowered himself, pulling her toward his chest and enveloping her in his comforting embrace.
    She didn’t give him the words back. She couldn’t. Her heart was too full of the emotion and it was spilling out everywhere. She wrapped her arm around his waist and fought back tears. She didn’t cry. She never cried, but with his words and actions, he had claimed her heart, her soul, and she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt she would love him until the day she died. But she’d have to tell him tomorrow. Tonight, the sentiment was too strong.
    Too potent.
    Too new.
    Saturday Night Special

Chapter Five
    Aaron jerked awake. Neon lights from the street below streamed through the sheer curtains, casting the room in an eerie pink haze. It took him several moments to remember where he was—Vegas—and what exactly had woken him up, and then he grinned.
    “Trouble sleeping?” He was able to make out the top of Riley’s head as it lowered toward his cock.
    “You didn’t let me finish earlier.” She surrounded his engorged flesh with her mouth. Damn, the woman gave great head. He closed his eyes, struggling to keep from coming too soon. If this was any indication of how she intended to wake him up in the future, he was going to die a very happy man. He fought back a chuckle at the image of an elderly Riley going down on him when they were old and gray.
    Her teeth grazed the sensitive spot beneath the head of his cock and he groaned.
    Her hand gripped the base of his dick tightly, moving in time with her mouth. Oh yeah, this wasn’t going to take long. He’d spent too much of the day in a constant state of arousal to try to hold off the impending climax for too long.
    Riley released his cock with a pop, looking up at him. “I’ll let you choose,” she said when he started to protest her abrupt end.
    “I can finish this blowjob until you come in my mouth or I can crawl on top of you and give you the ride of a lifetime.” He stared at her for several moments until she giggled. “Trouble deciding?”
    “I want both.”
    “Greedy bastard,” she teased.
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    “Climb on, Riley. We’ll see who enjoys the ride more.”
    “What about the blowjob?”
    “Oh, I’ll get that. Later. Don’t worry. I’ll let you know when.”
    She shook her head and he watched her grin grow as she straddled his hips. “Giddy up,” she said with a laugh.
    She slowly sank down on his cock and he fought the wave of lightheadedness that accompanied her movement. He gripped her hips and attempted to direct her motion, but he should have realized such an effort would be wasted.

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