Fit for a King
the black silk coverlet. Then he
slid alongside her, his look lazy, his eyes dangerous. Lowering his head, he
trailed a string of warm, moist kisses from her temple to her throat.
this untie?" he murmured, searching her shoulders for the ends of the straps.
    Her lips
parted. She thought she wanted to protest, but her body was
singing to her, her blood raging in her veins. She wanted his eyes on her,
there, his mouth, she wanted...
have bedroom eyes," he whispered. His fin gers found the tiny bows just behind her
shoulders, and he untied them very slowly.
"When I look in them I can see
what you want."
do I want?" she whispered, her voice husky and unfamiliar to her
own ears as she lay beneath him.
eyes," he replied, drawing the bodice of her dress down just to the soft beginning
slope of her breasts. "And my
mouth." He bent his head to her creamy
skin, running his lips just beneath her collar bone in slow, sensuous sweeps. His hands were on
    her rib cage, smoothing the black crepe,
his thumbs just under her breasts, touching
them as if by accident.
    Her fists
clenched beside her head, and her breath caught. He lifted his
head, looking at her.
    "You're trembling,"
he breathed, reaching for the top of the
    "King," she moaned helplessly.
he whispered. He held her eyes as his hands moved, and she felt the cool night air on her breasts as the fabric fell to her waist.
she whispered softly, arching her body gently.
    His gaze
moved slowly down to her breasts, their small pink nipples aroused and hard,
her body shud dering
a little with the newness of this kind of inti macy.
first time," he said under his breath. "My God, they're exquisite." His lightly
callused fingers brushed them, tenderly
tracing their contours, touch ing
the hard nipples just lightly enough to make her shudder with pleasure.
couldn't even speak; her throat was tight with exquisite tension.
he whispered, bending. "Now, Elissa, now..."
    His hand
cupped her while his mouth opened on her, and she cried out. Then his
mouth caught hers, stifling the tiny sound while his hand possessed her, savoring
her silky warmth.

    Fit for a

could eat you," he ground out against her eager, open mouth. "I
could eat you like candy."
    Another sound
tore from her, and he lifted his head, looking dazedly past
her to the radio. His hand trem bled as he reached for the volume and turned
it on to a heavy reggae beat.
he murmured, "you can make as much noise as you want."
    Her lips
opened to voice a protest, and his crushed down over it, his
tongue moving into her mouth with a slow, hungry rhythm, his knee easing
between her legs.
    She felt
her fingernails digging into the nape of his neck, reveling in the feel of his
thick dark hair. Her body was on fire for him; she'd never in her
life felt anything as explosively sexual. She wanted fulfill ment; she
wanted to be part of him, rock with him, writhe under him.
    Her moans
grew sharper when his mouth traveled down over her breasts to her waist,
her stomach. She moved helplessly in his embrace, feeling his strength,
loving his hands, loving the ardor of his warm mouth.
paused, breathing raggedly, to strip off his shirt, and she gasped at the
sight of him like that, looming over her, his chest thick with dark hair, the
bronzed muscles rippling, his face dark with passion, his eyes almost black.
She could feel the heat of his body, see the fine tremor of his arms.
here," he commanded, kneeling before her.
    She rose to
her own knees, and he pulled her to him, pressing her breasts hard against his
hair- roughened chest and making her shudder with the fierce pleasure of
it. He held her there, kissing her deeply and shifting her against him in
the process until her nipples were so sensitized that they burned and her
nails dug into his back.
      “I want.. .you,''
was dragged out of her throat. She buried her face in his neck and

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