Once Mated Twice Shy
straight light brown hair out of her face
and kissed her forehead.  “It’s okay.”  He murmured against her temple.  “I’ve
got you.”  Jordan sat that way for nearly an hour calming her.  She eventually
stopped shaking and crying.
    “I thought you
took care of them Jordan.”  It was an accusation.
    “I did.  I told
you the truth.  The six that attacked you are dead.  One maybe two of them
today are dead.  The third showed me his throat.  He was only hungry and meant
you no harm.  The one outside of your door may heal but he’ll always limp if he
doesn’t bleed out first.”  Lettie nodded.
    “Take me home
Jordan.  I don’t want to stay here anymore.  It’s not safe.”
    “Thank God you’ve
come to your senses.”  He chuckled.  “Are your dishes packed?”  She shook her
head.  “We’ll come back tomorrow for them then.”  Jordan carried her down the
steps into the grocery store.  The man at the bottom was dead.  No one could
recover from that much blood loss.  Jordan stepped over him and held her head
tightly keeping her face buried in his neck.  His mate did not need to see
that.  Jordan took long easy strides past the service deli where the red wolf
was still eating.  He glanced up as they passed but didn’t move.  They all
looked hungry.  Perhaps he should have spoken to the first one.  He grimaced. 
The one on the stairs deserved what he got, he’d threatened Jordan’s mate but
the first was only eating.  Jordan regretted what he’d done but it was too late
to change things now.  He picked his cell phone up from the seat once he
buckled her into the passenger seat.  He dialed Thompson and explained what
happened.  He also told him that Lettie would not be living there anymore. 
Thompson heartily agreed.  He called his betas next to help with clean up.
    Jordan drove to
the alpha house and turned the motor off.  “I’m glad that you decided to come
home Lettie.”  Jordan looked over at her.  “I know that we can work things
    “I said that I
wanted to go home, this isn’t my home.  My home is down the street there.”  She
    “No.”  His eyes
flashed.  “You will stay here.  Whether it is in my bed or in a guest room, you
will stay here.  I’m tired Lettie.  I don’t want to argue, I won’t argue.  Get
your ass in the house.  That’s an order from your alpha.”  A growl rumbled in
his chest.  Lettie hurried out of the truck and up the steps.  She decided on a
guest room.  As far as she was concerned, she and Jordan were no more.  Sure,
he’d saved her but that was an alpha’s job, wasn’t it?”  Jordan opened her bedroom
door inside the house.  “I see.”  He took a deep breath.  “If this is how you
want it, then so be it.  You are a guest here, as one I expect you to behave. 
You will do your share, you will keep your room clean, and you will help with
chores.  As the only guest in this house, you will have plenty to do.”
    “My share?”  Her
brows rose.  “What does that mean exactly?”
    “You will tend to
the book keeping, plus some cooking, cleaning and laundry.”  She nodded.  That
was fair.  She did it all when they lived together before.  I expect you to be
kind and generous, nothing more, and nothing less.  I understand that you don’t
want anything to do with me but I will keep you safe whether you like it or
not.”  She nodded and Jordan stepped out of the room closing the door quietly. 
He went to his room and she heard the lock snap.  She scoffed.  As if, he had
to worry about her climbing into his bed at night no matter how sexy he was.  She
crossed her arms over her chest and sighed.
    Jordan woke to the
most intoxicating smells.  He scented coffee, eggs, bacon, sausage, and toast. 
“Thank God she’s back.”  If he had to eat a meal that he cooked this morning,
well he was going to puke.  She was the cook, he could manage, but it always
tasted better when she

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