Tease Me

Free Tease Me by Emily Goodwin

Book: Tease Me by Emily Goodwin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emily Goodwin
Tags: Erótica, new adult, cartel
guard stepped to the side. Without knocking, I went in. The
temperature dropped drastically after the sunset tonight. The
windows were open, and a cool breeze that smelled like the ocean
blew across the room.
    Ellie turned, startled by the door opening.
She was sitting on the bed. Her hair fell in loose waves around her
face. All of her makeup had been washed off. Her eyes were a vivid
green, and she was beautiful sitting there in nothing but a light
purple nightgown that ended mid-thigh.
    She opened her mouth to say something but
stopped. She crossed her arms over her chest and arrowed her
    “ Hello, Ellie,” I said and
stepped into the room, closing the door behind me.
    “ What do you want?” she
spat, swinging her legs over the side of the bed. She got off but
stayed there, glaring at me. I moved forward, eyes darting to her
breasts. I could see the outline of her budding nipples through the
thin material.
    My heart thumped in my chest. I licked my
lips and closed my eyes in a long blink. Ellie tensed. She pressed
her lips together, doing her best to looked pissed. Her gaze
started to falter. I moved toward her again, and her eyes flicked
to my crotch for a millisecond.
    I strode forward. Ellie took a subconscious
step backward, bumping into the bed. She threw her hands down to
her sides. Without her arms crossed over her chest, I could see her
breasts in all their glory hidden under the see-through silk.
    “ What do you want?” she
repeated. Truthfully, I didn’t know what I wanted other than
knowing I had to see her. I longed to touch her, to slowly slide my
hardness into her wet pussy. I knew that wouldn’t happen…not yet.
So I guess what I wanted then was just to push her and see how hard
she pushed back.
    I just gave her a devilish smile, one that
came over my face subconsciously. If I flashed a woman that smile
at a club, she would make a bee-line to me in just seconds. “The
guards said you were quiet all day.”
    She shook her head then shrugged. “It’s not
like I have a choice.”
    “ I hope you can see that my
hands are tied here, Ellie.”
    She stared at me then heavily sighed. “That
doesn’t mean I have to like it. Or you,” she added quickly. Her
cheeks flushed, and she diverted her eyes to the ground.
    “ You don’t have to like me,”
I said. “Just listen to me. I really don’t want to hurt you,” I
added softly.
    “ Why?” she blurted. “Why
don’t you want to hurt me?” Her voice broke at the end. She was
    Something inside me softened. “I don’t know,”
I said honestly. “I hurt people who deserve it. And you don’t
deserve to be hurt.”
    Her eyes met mine, face
muddled with conflicting emotions. I was drawn to her sexually of
course, but there was…there was something else. She took a deep
breath and moved one hand out only to stop herself. I reached out;
she flinched away. It was odd, to have a woman move away from my touch. I tore
my eyes off of hers and looked at her neck.
    “ I see the clothes fit,” I
said, sticking my finger under the strap of her nightgown. I slid
it down over her shoulder. My dick pulsed, and warmth spread
through me. Ellie’s hand flew to the strap, and her fingers graced
mine. I curled my hand over hers, moving it back to her side. The
strap to her nightgown hung off her shoulder.
    Keeping a hold on her hand, I looked back
into her eyes. I ran my finger up her shoulder and across her
collarbone. My cock started to rise. Ellie looked away. I swept my
fingers over her chest. Goosebumps broke out across her skin.
    “ Ellie,” I whispered,
putting my hand on her chin. “Look at me.”
    Slowly, she tipped her head to me. Her eyes
met mine, holding back hate and something else…lust, perhaps? Did
her desire match mine?
    “ Go to hell,” she said
through gritted teeth and pushed me away. Her hands landed on my
chest as she pushed. Amused, I grabbed her wrists, twisted her arm,
and pinned her on the bed.
    “ I’ve already

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