Crushed (Rushed #2)

Free Crushed (Rushed #2) by Gina Robinson

Book: Crushed (Rushed #2) by Gina Robinson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gina Robinson
flirtatious, the other guy looked almost placated.  
    "Another time?"  
    Damn, he wouldn't quit.
    "Maybe." Morgan laughed in a way that left room for hope. She could string a guy along indefinitely. I should know. She'd practiced on me. It was easy to see how the Double Deltsies got their reputation as man killers. Morgan exemplified their technique.
    She slid her hand down and rested it on my knee, squeezing it with the warning for me to cool it. All it did was give me a hard-on. She'd managed to defuse the tension, but not my irrational desire for her.  
    We settled the bill and the party broke up. I held the door open for Morgan as we left the pizza place. Was I playing gentleman to impress her? Who the hell knows? I didn't want to analyze anything too closely.
    A blast of cold air swept in. Two guys stepped passed us.
    Morgan looked out, shivered, and pulled up her hood. "It's raining." She stepped out onto the sidewalk and nearly slid on her cute little ass, screaming as she almost went down. "Crap! It's not just raining. It's freezing rain!"
    I caught her by the elbow and pulled her into me until she was braced against my chest. There was an awkward moment when time stood still and I stared down into her wide eyes. It might have been my imagination, but I sure as hell thought I saw desire there. Like she wanted me as much as I wanted her. Her lips were moist and glossy and so damn kissable. It wouldn't be hard to kiss them, and kiss them hard.
    "The buses won't be running," she said.
    The spell was broken.  
    I let her go. "You're right. We'll have to walk."
    She pulled away from me and took another tentative step, laughing as she slipped, and grabbed my arm to hold herself up, almost as if she was flirting with me.
    I stared down at her. "Are you trying to take me down with you?"  
    She shook her head. "Trying to show you how crazy you are. We'll never make it up the hill. It's like an ice rink out here."
    "Like hell we won't." I grabbed her hand to pull her forward.
    She resisted.
    "Come on. Trust me. I'm steady on my feet." I gave her another tug. "Hold on to me and you'll be fine."  
    I let go of her and took a step out to show her how steady I was. Not a slip in sight.  
    "See?" I held my arms out. "No hands. No problem." I held my hand out to her. "We'll walk on the grass where we can. It's not frozen over yet. Once we get to the hill, there's a covered breezeway that runs through that big apartment complex. I know my way around there. From there, we can cut through the engineering labs and the science building. Then we'll be on Greek Row."
    She studied me. "You have it all figured out already? Done this before?"
    I just grinned and wrapped her arm in mine. "Come on."
    "What if the labs are locked?" She clutched me like I was a lifeline.
    "What if, what if. Would you rather spend the night on the street?" I pulled her gently forward. "One small step for Morgan. One giant step for womankind."
    "Shut up!" But she was smiling, and looking at me like a flirt. Giving me ideas I was better off not entertaining.
    "I didn't think you were such a wimp, Morgs." I inched us along the sidewalk until Morgan relaxed.  
    "It's going to take us all night to get home at this pace."
    "Not if we run." I took off, running, pulling her with me while she fought to break free, gliding on the ice with her hand tucked in the crook of my arm.
    "Dak! No!" She stiffened.  
    "Relax! I won't let you fall."  
    "Famous last words!" She tried to pull free.
    "I'm not letting you go." I took off again. Run. Slide. Run. Slide.  
    She squealed. She protested. "Let me go!"
    Still holding her hand, I got up to full speed and held her at arm's length. "You sure?" I grinned at her and loosened my grip, daring her to let go.  
    She could pull away any time she wanted. I released her hand until our fingertips were barely touching.
    She grabbed my fingers and pulled close to me. "Bastard!" But she was laughing as we reached the edge of the park

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