How to Lose Your Virginity ...And How Not To
all things a fucking Frank Lloyd Wright documentary on The Learning Channel. Not the sexiest thing to get you in the mood but boredom can get you in the mood too.
I couldn’t tell him I loved him and I guess that sex was easier. I didn’t want to say it and lie, so sex was just an easy way to sidestep the whole love issue like, "All right, well… how about this?" He was like, "I love you. I love you," and I couldn’t say that part so... let me just give you what else you want so you can forget about the love part. That’s what every girl wants, right, to be in love? But if you’re not you still at least want someone who… you know… likes you.
We went on the couch, and then on the floor, it was like, "Let’s just do it." It wasn’t a minute and a half or two-minute long story because, yeah it was good. He knew exactly what he was doing.

Joanie, 40

You have to understand the movie Little Darlings. The two girls in the movie made a bet to see who was going to lose their virginity first. The good girl makes it all up, lies and says she does it when really she doesn’t. And the naughty, fun girl does it but feels guilty and says she didn’t do it. Anyway my friend and I made a Little Darlings type of bet. This was in 1981, I was 15.
In Colorado Springs there’s a military base so there’s always a lot of army guys around. My friend and I used to hang out at the roller skating rink and one night we hooked up with these GI’s, these 19 or 20-year-old guys hanging out at the roller rink looking to pick up girls... looking to pick up my dumb ass.
I decided I was going to go for it and it was really awful. We went back to my house and we did it on my mother’s waterbed. Really, it was awful. I was freaked out about being in my mom’s bed; it hurt, and I had given no thought to the possibility of messing up the sheets, which of course we did. I was like, "Oh my god. We got to clean the sheets." He was older; you’d think he’d know about all that stuff.
I didn’t tell my best friend about it for a while, just like in the movie. She said she made it with his buddy, the other Army guy, in the backseat of the car. But she was full of shit and I later found out she was not telling the truth, also just like in the movie.

Chapter 5

    There’s an illicit quality to young love. The prospect of getting found out by the parents, the cops, or even friends is inseparable from the thought of many on the verge of doing it. And not just getting caught but, as in the case of Carolina in "THIS ONE TIME… IN THE BAND ROOM", getting found out. "Can they tell?" "Will they know?" That fear alone is enough for some to postpone their loss of virginity.
Now some people revel in getting caught, fantasize about it. While I didn't find anyone who purposefully engineered a first time where they can get walked in on, the act of getting caught affected people differently. For some they were mortified, for others it lightened the mood.

Charlie, 30

My friends and I decided to go to a party at some guy’s house instead of to our high school football game. There was about eight of us, guys and girls. One of the girls was my close friend Patrick's ex-girlfriend who took his virginity.
The house we were partying at, some of the dirtiest humans in the world lived there. They were your typical hillbillies: cars on blocks in the front yard, the dad was a Civil War reenactor. The oldest brother was a divorced, out-of-work mechanic who actually lived inside a car that was parked on the side of the house. His father wouldn’t let him stay in the house, so he stayed in the car. The guy we knew from this family sold drugs at the high school. We used to go over there to huff gas ‘cause his dad didn’t care if we huffed gas. This is the kind of house it was.
Throughout the course of the evening, we were drinking and playing drinking games and

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