How to Lose Your Virginity ...And How Not To
There was the pageantry and drama of me putting on a condom for the first time. And of course the important thing for me was what music was playing. I had spent quite a bit of time ruminating about what tape I wanted in my tape player and I decided it would be best to lose my virginity to The Beatles’ Abbey Road. We started with side one and I actually interrupted the action at one point to flip the tape over so actual penetration occurred somewhere on side two.
Compared to the acts we'd done before, the sex itself was a bit disappointing. I only realized many years later that sex could be a lot better other than the very standard sort of missionary deal, which was all we tried. I guess ‘cause we talked about it so much or we had done so much before it was just a regular orgasm. Then she cried a little bit and I tried to comfort her. I asked, "What’s wrong?" She said, "Well I don't know... we had sex, I'm not a virgin anymore." And I said, "Yeah, that’s a good thing. I don't feel like crying."
Around that time I was reading a book, sort of a biography about John Lennon by his childhood best friend. When John Lennon lost his virginity before the best friend did, he met the best friend the next day and Lennon told him, "Yeah got my first fuck," and the friend says, "Yeah how was it?" Lennon said, "Well, actually… I'd rather have a wank." So the next day I met up with my best friend and I was all ready to use this and I just said, "So yeah. I had my first fuck last night." He said, "Well?" I said, "Rather have a wank." He said, "Hmm. OK." Later things went right in the toilet and I think she probably regrets that her first was with me, which I regret that she regrets. But I was glad I did it and I was glad I did it with Madge because I did really like her and we had been together for awhile.

Lynette, 23

I was 15, Ben was 16. We had been friends for about six months and the whole time I knew him, he was dating this other girl. He had been dating this other girl for about two years and it never happened between them, I have no idea why.
We started messing around and one night I snuck out of my mom’s house and got a ride from a friend over to his place. I snuck into his house and it happened, first time for both of us. I was the other woman, which made me feel daring. I spent the night there and when he woke up early the next morning to do his paper route I went to go hide out in his basement until he got back but his dad caught me. So Ben made up a story about how my mom was out of town and I was supposed to stay the night at a friend’s house but her and I got into a fight so that’s why I was there. It was quick thinking on his part.
We continued seeing each other on the sly and then he went crazy and tried to kill himself at school because he found out his girlfriend was seeing another guy and he just flipped out. Like it was OK for him to see someone else, but not her. It was more of a cry for help than anything. He cut his stomach with a six-inch knife in the hallway with tons of people around. He had these three really huge cuts across his stomach and he got put in the psych ward for a week. I didn’t go to school the whole time he was in the hospital because the whole thing was just too much to handle.
I don’t regret my first. It happened. I just didn’t care, I mean… shit happens to people.

Vera, 19

It was with this guy I had been dating for just a couple months. I don’t know, I guess it’s what every girl wants or thinks they want. I was older, 19, because I was the "wait for marriage" girl. Then I realized I have a little problem with commitment and decided I didn’t want to get married and thought, "Well shit. I can’t go my whole life and not ever fuck anyone."
Me and this guy had been dating for a couple of months and he was obviously more experienced than I was so one night at like three o’clock in the morning we were in my room watching of

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