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Book: ProvokeMe by Cari Quinn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cari Quinn
than her easy manner
    “Top of the stairs, second door on the right.”
    She stared at him for a long moment then nodded and slipped
out from under his arm. He watched her stroll down the hallway and heaved out a
breath when she turned to go up the stairs. The loosened tie around her neck
came free, giving him a glimpse of the side of her pale breasts before she
began to climb.
    He rubbed a hand over the sweaty back of his neck. As much
as he wanted a shower, he wasn’t going up there with her. The way he was
feeling, he’d jump her before she’d had a chance to take off her shoes.
    Shaking his head, he strode to the half bath off the den. At
this point, even a cold washcloth would feel amazing. He needed something to cool down. Fast.
    A couple minutes later, he stepped out of the bathroom,
wearing only his boxers. Just as he emerged, he heard the shower turn on
upstairs. She’d made herself right at home, hadn’t she?
    He sighed and tossed his towel around his neck. Looked as
though he’d be getting cozy with the couch tonight.

Chapter Five
    “Stubborn bastard,” Kelly muttered, flicking her fingers
through her wet hair as she stood at the entrance to Spencer’s bedroom. She’d
hoped to lure him upstairs by acting as if she belonged but maybe she’d
overplayed her hand.
    What a shocker. If she’d struggled with how to deal with him
before sex, reading him afterward was completely impossible.
    A smile twitched her lips as she rubbed her sore back. Her
spine bore siding marks and she had a bruised ass. But finally getting her
hands on him had been worth every dent and ding.
    She started to flip on the lights then changed her mind. She
could make out shapes in the dark—a dresser, a chair, a big bed with a curved
footboard that felt as if it was sleigh-style under her reverent hand. Smooth
wood was a weakness of hers, probably because she’d settled for a cheap metal
bedframe. Her budget didn’t extend to fancy bedroom suites or—her breath
caught—silky sheets that poured through her hands like water.
    She wanted to sleep in this bed. Wanted to sleep here with
Spencer, his hard body unyielding against hers.
    In business clothes, he was sexy. Naked, he bumped sexy up
to criminal. And from the way he’d held her against the wall, his muscles
weren’t just for show. Sex with him in a bed where they could spread out and
play would be amazing.
    Would be, but not tonight.
    With a long sigh, she moved toward the chair. She wouldn’t
sleep alone in his bed. Along with seeming invasive, she didn’t enjoy
self-flagellation. Smelling his shampoo and soap on her skin was bad enough.
Laying her head on his pillow would be defeatist in the extreme.
    Inspiration had her turning back to tug down the neatly made
sheets. She arranged them messily, as if someone had slept there. She grabbed
her purse from where she’d dropped it and pulled out her perfume, then dabbed a
little near the headboard. Just a smidgen. This wasn’t about sending him into
sensory overload. All she wanted was a nice little hit to remind him what he
was missing the next time he rolled into bed.
    Her mood darkened as she remembered Nina. Didn’t matter. Her
perfume would be clinging to his sheets whether or not he slept solo.
    She returned to the chair and curled up as best as she
could. Long legs weren’t conducive to snuggling but she gave it the post-coitus
try. Once she’d gotten into a semi-comfortable position, she dug around for her
cell phone and set her alarm for five as always.
    Nothing and no one would make her late for work.
    She winced as she looked at the time. Past two already.
Yeah, she’d be a zombie tomorrow but she had a feeling good ol’ Spence wouldn’t
be taking any potshots at her for it.
    Marcia, on the other hand…
    Yawning, she closed her eyes and tried to relax. Smelling
his aftershave everywhere didn’t help on that score but she forced her mind to
empty. All she needed was a couple hours of sleep

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