Hunk for the Holidays
Tonight, after eighteen long months, she would get laid. And if the thought of giving her virginity to a skinny, high school boy had wigged her out, the thought of lying naked in a bed with an experienced and very hot manly man really got her jumpy.
    That was where the champagne had come in.
    What started out as a couple of glasses to relax her nerves, especially after the kiss in the greenhouse, had turned into a few more when he’d followed her back into the house and proceeded to charm the hell out of every man, woman, and family member. The man had an unbelievable wealth of knowledge, along with a quick wit and a good sense of humor. Which was why it hadn’t taken him very long to win over her family. He had talked golf with Rory, politics with Jake, and swapped college rugby stories with Patrick and Mattie until they were in tears laughing. He didn’t have to talk about much for Melanie and Amy to drool over him. Of course, after her last high-heel-wearing, pumpkin-bread-toting boyfriend, Cassie really couldn’t blame them.
    So there she sat with her spike heels lost somewhere beneath the couch, her lipstick all licked off, and not a drink in sight, wishing that the guy—her guy—would quit socializing and take her home to bed. What was that line from Top Gun ? It was one of Jake’s all-time favorite movies; she should remember it. If her mind wasn’t all fogged up with bubbles, she would have. Meg Ryan had said it to that guy from ER. Wait, she had it.
    “Hey, Moose, you big stud.”
    James stopped talking and looked down at her. Both eyebrows lifted.
    “Take me to bed or lose me forever,” she said. Or was it Goose, you big moose?
    “Oookay, then,” James said before he turned back to Mr. Lovelady. “It looks like I better get Cassandra home. Nice meeting you, sir.” He shook the old guy’s hand.
    Mr. Lovelady grinned as if he knew something Cassie didn’t. “Been there myself, son. More than a few times.”
    “Can you walk?” The question came from her guy.
    “Of course I can walk.” She didn’t move.
    He shook his head. “Where are your shoes?”
    “Forget ’em. They are h-horribly painful.” She would give them to Mike for one of his smaller-footed friends.
    James bent down and reached beneath the couch, bringing his chest against her knees. It was too much to resist. She ran her fingers through his hair, around his ear, down his strong neck to the bow tie she had tied herself. She gave it a tug. Mrs. Applegate coughed. Cassie ignored her and slipped the top button out, then a stud. But before she could get further, James grabbed her hand.
    “Enough, princess.” He moved back and slid her shoes on her feet.
    She sighed. Her Prince Charming for one night. Just one night.
    One night? She had to get moving!
    She practically knocked her Prince Charming on his butt as she jumped to her feet. The room spun, and she swayed on those damned four-inch heels. Luckily, James was there to steady her.
    “Easy there, sailor.” His gaze scanned the crowd before he glanced down at Mrs. Applegate. “Would you mind letting Cassandra’s brothers know that I took her home?”
    “Not at all, dear. Do you need some help?”
    Cassie held up a hand. “Nope, I think I’ve got it.”
    James chuckled as he led her from the room. In the hallway, he slipped his jacket off and over her shoulders. “Where’s your purse?”
    “Right here.” She held up the purse. She had secured it around her body with the little hidden strap about an hour earlier. She might be drunk, but she was no dummy—just a liar about what she had done with a whole lot of condoms.
    A blast of wind and snow flurries greeted them when James opened the front door. He shielded her from most of the snow with his body as he maneuvered her down the steps, which was just fine and dandy with her. The lights on the trees sparkled around them, and she could hear the faint notes of “Silent Night” along with the slow and steady thump of his

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