Hunk for the Holidays
worried that if she didn’t she might just incinerate right there on the floor of the mildewy greenhouse. Which would at least eliminate the need for an explanation.
    If Amy thought she was speechless before, it was nothing compared to what she felt as she turned and looked at Derek. But what do you say to a man who just proposed to you and came back for your answer only to find you in the arms of another man?
    She cleared her throat, prepared to take full responsibility for her actions. But then Rory stepped between her and Derek. He weaved on his feet and waved a hand through the air. “Ssssorry—buddy.” His words were heavily slurred. “But…” He pointed to a piece of mistletoe hanging in the doorway a good twenty feet away. “ ’Tisss the season, ya know.”
    All the anger drained out of Derek’s face, and he laughed. “I thought all you McPhersons could hold your liquor.” He shook his head. “Go home and sleep it off, Rory. Just don’t grab any more unsuspecting women on the way out. By the looks of things, you’ve embarrassed Amy to death.”
    Rory swiveled around, took a few steps closer, andbowed. “My deepest a-ppologies.” When he lifted his head, for just a second, his eyes met hers. In them, she saw something that took her breath away.
    His lips moved, forming two words.
    Say no.
    Then he winked and was gone.

Chapter Six

    The world was spinning. A wonderful, giddy world filled with good friends, yummy shrimp hors d’oeuvres, cheerful Christmas carols, and one handsome hunka-hunka-burnin’-love. Snuggling down into the couch cushions, Cassie took another sip of her seventh—or would that be eighth?—glass of champagne. Normally, she didn’t drink champagne. Why was that? Oh, yeah, ’cause the bubbles went straight to her head. Beer. She could handle beer. And whiskey. Aunt Louise had taught her all about whiskey. But champagne. Nope, she couldn’t handle it at all.
    On prom night, she’d thrown up all over poor Todd Birmingham after she’d slipped out of her prom dress in the back of the limo and offered him her virginity. He’d declined, but only because he was worried about the vomit on his rental tux. She looked up at the man whostood right next to the couch. James would look delish in a tuxedo. Wait a minute; he was in a tuxedo, and he did look delish. Crap, she was drunk.
    She giggled, and James glanced down at her. She winked at him as she continued to drink her champagne. His brow arched, and he studied her for a few seconds before he turned back to the discussion he was having with Brady Lovelady.
    Brady Lovelady. Now, that was funny.
    She stifled another giggle and then leaned back against the couch cushions. From that angle, she could really study her delicious escort. Wow, he was hot. She loved his eyes. And that perfectly straight nose. And those lips that had melted her insides like her grandma’s grilled cheese. And his hands. She really liked his hands. They were workman hands. Big and rough. But gentle… very gentle.
    A shiver ran through her body at the thought of those gentle, rough hands spanning her waist, gliding up over her spine, and running through her hair while his lips devoured her. Yep, she loved those hands. Her gaze wandered down his body and back up. She pretty much liked the entire package. And every sexy inch was hers—all hers. At least for one night. Five hundred dollars for one night. Wow, what a bargain. She giggled again, and Mrs. Applegate stared at her from the other side of the couch.
    “Too much to drink, dear?”
    “Nope. I’m a McPherson. We can really hold our li-liq-er.” She tried to take another sip to prove her point, but one of those big, gentle hands took the glass away from her. She looked up. But his attention had returned to Brady Lovelady.
    Okay, so maybe she couldn’t hold her liquor worth beans. At least, not champagne. But she figured she had every right. She was going to give the old showerhead a break tonight.

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