Harmony's Way

Free Harmony's Way by Lora Leigh

Book: Harmony's Way by Lora Leigh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lora Leigh
Harmony. Tying you to my bed and making you scream for me. Making you beg for me.”
    She whimpered as he turned her, one arm wrapping around her waist to brace her as he moved behind her, nudging her feet wider. Harmony stared into the mirror, watching him through the dim light that fell from the office. His cock tucked against the desperately wet folds between her thighs before he paused.
    Heat seared her, the feel of the heavy crest parting the juice-laden folds and sending sizzling arcs of sensation racing from her vagina to her engorged clit.
    “I remember how tight you were.” He grimaced, his expression growing heavier with lust. His eyes were heavy-lidded, his lips swollen, sensually full. “So tight I wondered if I would die of the pleasure before I could ever come.”
    His hips shifted, the thick crest parting her, working inside her, stretching tender tissue to its furthest limits as she screamed behind the gag.
    “There, baby,” he crooned, his free hand hooking into the leather belt that still cinched her hips. “There I am. Let’s see how much you can take. Can you take me, little cat?”
    Harmony went to her tiptoes as he began stroking inside her, pulling back, pushing in deeper, impaling her inch by straining inch on the thick cock burrowing inside her.
    It was agony. It was more pleasure than she could bear. She bucked backward, fighting for more, relishing the pleasure-pain screaming through her nerve endings. The slick juices of her response eased his way, but nothing could ease the extreme snug depths of her vagina. Little used, rarely aroused, her flesh was now making up for the years it had gone without Lance’s touch.
    “More, baby.” He slid in deeper. “God, your pussy is so sweet. So wet and tight. I could fuck you like this forever, Harmony.”
    He pulled back, the hard length of his erection nearly sliding free of her before he paused.
    “Look at me, baby. Open your eyes.”
    She struggled to force her eyes open. He was a weakness. She had sworn she would never allow herself to be weak, but had Coyotes attacked in that moment they would have to just kill her, because she didn’t have the will to tear herself from Lance.
    “I want to see you when I take you. I want to see how much you love it, since I can’t hear it. Do you like this, baby?”
    One hard, fast thrust sent him to the very depths of her. Searing, white-hot ecstasy tore through her as she felt her flesh struggle to stretch, to accommodate the length and width penetrating it. Darkness washed over her gaze, though her eyes remained open, directed at the mirror, fighting to focus.
    “Hell yeah, baby. Move your hips just like that.”
    She was moving her hips? She was. She could feel it now, writhing against him in tight little circles that stroked him inside her and caused her pussy to ripple in pleasure.
    “There, baby, suck at my cock just like that. Keep that up and I’m going to give you exactly what you need to cool those fires until I get you to my bed.”
    He moved then, a slow retreat and return, thrusting inside her, stroking violently sensitive nerve endings and throwing her deeper into the quicksilver arcs of pleasure tearing through her.
    Harmony was losing herself. She could feel it happening, the layers of defenses she had built between herself and the world were crumbling beneath his possession. Nothing in the world mattered but this. This man, his touch, his hunger, his cock filling her until she was certain she could take no more.
    Then she took more.
    He fucked her like a man taking possession, a claiming. One hand held to her belt, pulling her back on his hard length, driving inside her deeper, harder, with each stroke as she began to tighten.
    “Yeah, baby, tighten like that. Work my cock with that sweet pussy. There you go, sweetheart.” His voice was heavy, dazed, the pleasure infusing it, as it infused the shattered cries that escaped her gag.
    The hard, steady rhythm began to quicken then. Behind

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