Dragon Knight's Axe
come with us.” He stormed to the other side of the ship, bellowing out more orders.
    Fiona glanced over her shoulder from where they came. She snapped her gaze back at the ship and felt the color fading from her face.
    The ship lurched—moving away.
    “He’s really going to leave me here?” She wiped a hand across her brow. “Better to be with the monster you can attempt to control.”
    Waving and shouting at Gunnar, she ran into the water.
    Gunnar smiled, meeting her halfway down the rope to help pull her onto the ship. “’Tis good to see you again.”
    Fiona took a hold of his outstretched hand. “Your name is Gunnar, right?”
    Giving her an even broader smile, he helped her onto the ship. “Aye.”
    “Well, thank you, Gunnar. At least some of the men have manners.” She quickly scanned the area and found the beast. “It would seem your leader is lacking in them.”
    “’Tis true. Some words of wisdom, Fiona…”
    She turned to look at Gunnar. “Yes?”
    “Do not anger the man, for he will surely toss you over the side and keep moving on.”
    “Don’t you mean beast?” she corrected.
    Gunnar’s tone became more somber. “Be it man, monster, or beast, they are all the same. Heed my words. If ye enrage the beast , he may not be so forgiving.”
    Fiona bit her lip and nodded in understanding. Gunnar led her to a bench in the middle of the ship. Quickly thanking him, she huddled against one of the barrels.
    Alastair stole a quick glance over his shoulder to make sure she was settled. What possessed him to buy the wee lass? From the moment he saw her on the trading dock, something primal called out to him to take her for his own. This bothered him greatly. He had bought a slave— one that tested his resolve. With large breasts and hips, and his beast roared to plunder her body.
    As if hearing his thoughts, she half-turned and locked gazes with him.
    She blushed and turned away.
    And his beast roared with approval.
    Sometime later, he glanced at the lass again. She continued to shiver against one of the barrels, and her face seem to grow paler by the hour. He understood her symptoms instantly. Fear of him and the sea. He could tolerate her fear of him, but he would not wish the other on anyone.
    The sea held no fear for him. On the contrary, he hated it. There was no controlling the waters. That was his brother Stephen’s gift. What would his brothers think of him now? Traveling the shores and trading, only stepping on land every so often.
    They would tease him ruthlessly.
    He closed his eyes to block out the memories of a lifetime before. They were gone. In the past. When he walked out of the ring of stones the morning after the fateful battle leaving his sister dead, he left his old self behind.
    A Dragon Knight no more.
    Hearing a guttural groan, he opened his eyes to witness Fiona heaving the contents of her stomach over the ship as Gunnar stood at her side. Shaking his head, Alastair waved over Ivar.
    Ivar took one glance at Fiona and understood his meaning. Retrieving a small pouch from a box, he brought it to Alastair. “She is a brave one to last this long. She will be grateful to know it will not be a long voyage.”
    He took the pouch and nodded in agreement. It would appear his men had taken a liking to the little bird. Now Steiner was giving her ale. He covered the smirk on his face with his fist as her face contorted in revulsion, handing the ale skin back to Steiner.
    Ale would not have been his first choice either.
    Walking over to her, Alastair gestured for Gunnar to step aside. The man had put himself in charge as her protector the moment she came onboard. Moreover, for some reason that bothered him.
    He held out the pouch. “Try chewing on these leaves. They will help the queasiness. If ye require any liquid, take wee sips of wine. I will fetch ye my wine skin.”
    “Wine? I don’t understand.” Her hand fisted on her stomach.
    “Helps to calm the nerves.”
    She reached

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