Renegade (Bad Blooded Rebel Series)

Free Renegade (Bad Blooded Rebel Series) by Mellie George

Book: Renegade (Bad Blooded Rebel Series) by Mellie George Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mellie George
so beautiful Ev. Max
would have loved that you got his guitar,” she said, and I swallowed that
emotional lump as best as I could. “What do the words mean?”
a shaking breath, I said, “They were some of the last words he spoke to me and
Ryder. Jake really got it right and made this perfect.”
things were about to get really emotional, Danni sniffed and asked, “So tell
me, just how hot is this Jake? Maybe I should have him do some ink on me.”
on, Danni, stop it. This thing with Beau needs to be worked out before you go
throwing yourself at someone else in their circle,” I said.
Beau doesn’t want me and I’m not waiting around for him to figure it out. If I want
to hook up with another guy I will and he can’t say anything to me. If he
wanted me he could’ve had me,” Danni said defiantly.
come on,” I said but she shook her head.
I don’t want to talk about Beau anymore. Let’s get out of here,” Danni said.
you just got here and you were out all day. Why do you want to go back
out again?” I asked.
this is my first time in New York City and I want to go out on the town with my
ladies,” she said. “Maybe we can crash the boys’ night at that club and have
some fun. I love Eternal Down and I thought Jude said they were playing there
they are. Kris is there right now and he was going to call and see if Ryder
wanted to hang out,” Jessie said.
as I was about to ask about that, Ryder called me. “Speak of the devil,” I
said, smiling. “I have to take this, hang on.” I quickly answered my phone.
“Hey rock star,” I said.
gorgeous. You having fun with Danni and Jess?”
Jessie just told me you might be hanging out with Kris at some club tonight?”
yeah, that’s why I was calling. Jake’s cousin’s band is in town and Kris wanted
to know if I wanted to go check them out and maybe shoot some pool.”
sounds like fun, Ryder. You need a boys’ night.”
know but I just didn’t want to leave you alone.”
I’m not alone. I have Danni and Jessie with me. We were actually thinking of
going out tonight too.”
could feel his apprehension over the phone. “Evie, baby, promise me you will
take John with you if you go anywhere.”
will. In fact, I’ll call him as soon as I hang up with you.”
he said, breathing out heavily. “So where are you thinking of going?”
not sure,” I said. “I think Danni wants to crash your boys’ night though. She’s
looking to move past Beau but I think it’s a bad idea.”
sighed. “Yeah, Beau is thinking of doing the same thing. Why are they both
being such dumbasses?” he asked and I laughed.
don’t know but we’ve done all we can do. They need to figure it out for
themselves. Anyway, it doesn’t matter. Wherever we go I will be sure to let you
know, okay?”
I love you, baby,” he said.
love you too.”
know, you could come crash our boys’ night if you wanted to.”
then it wouldn’t be a ‘boys’ night’ now would it?” I laughed.
about it. We could start the whole role playing thing tonight. You can be the
sexy bar fly and I can be the broody stranger and we can totally have sex in
the back room,” he said and I laughed harder.
don’t think so, Ryder. I’m going to let you go and hang out with Kris and
listen to some music.”
right,” he sighed. “But if you change your mind let me know. I’d love for the
guys in Eternal Down to meet you. They aren’t all as bad as Jake, I promise.
They won’t be hitting on you because they know I’d rip their dicks off if they
protector, how sexy,” I laughed. “Go have fun with your friends. I love you!”
you too gorgeous,” he said and we both hung up.
how is the rock god?” Danni

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