The - Cowboy’s - Secret - Twins

Free The - Cowboy’s - Secret - Twins by Dilesh

Book: The - Cowboy’s - Secret - Twins by Dilesh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dilesh
    “Were you in love with her?” Melissa was surprised to realize that his answer mattered. It mattered much more than it should to her.
    “No, but there was a weak moment when I considered marrying her.”
    “You’d marry somebody you weren’t in love with?” Melissa asked with surprise.
    “I considered it a business deal,” he replied with an easiness that astounded her. “Hilary would have made a good wife when it came to giving parties and acting as hostess for social affairs. In return she would have been able to live the lifestyle she desperately wants.”
    “And you’d do that? You’d marry as a business arrangement instead of for love?” Melissa asked.
    “As far as I’m concerned love is overrated.” He cast her a wry look. “I suppose you’re one of those hopeless romantics?”
    “Absolutely,” she exclaimed. “I’ll only marry for love. I want to marry somebody who loves me mindlessly, desperately, and I want to love him the same way. I want somebody to laugh with, to love, somebody to grow old with and love through eternity. And I won’t settle for less.”
    As if to punctuate her sentence there was a loud pop. The truck careened wildly to the right side of the highway as Henry muttered a curse. Melissa saw the deep ditch in front of them and knew they were going to hit it—hard. She squeezed her eyes closed and screamed as she felt the truck go airborne.
    Chapter 6
    H enry fought the steering wheel hard, trying to keep the truck on the road, but he lost the battle as the vehicle flew far right, hit the lip of the ditch and flew with all four tires off the ground. It came down with a crunch and a hiss, jarring the teeth in his head as it finally came to rest. His heart raced and he quickly looked at Melissa. “Are you all right?”
    She opened her eyes and gave a slow nod, but her face was chalky pale.
    “I’m okay.” She drew in a deep breath and her hand shook as she shoved her hair away from her face. “I hope you have a spare,” she said. He pulled his gun from his holster with one hand and reached for his cell phone with the other. Melissa’s eyes widened at the sight of his weapon. But he didn’t have time to deal with her fear.
    He handed her the cell phone. “Call Jimmy.” He rattled off Jimmy’s cell phone number. “Tell him we’re three miles from my place on the highway and somebody just shot out my tire.”
    As she made the phone call, Henry kept his gaze on the wooded area on the right side of the highway. He was ninety-nine percent certain that a mere second before the tire had blown he’d heard the unmistakable faint crack of a rifle.
    “Jimmy said he’s on his way,” she said, her voice higher than normal in tone.
    He felt her fear radiating across the seat, but he didn’t look at her. Instead he kept focused on the area where he thought danger might come. He didn’t know now if the attack was over or if the blown tire was just the beginning. Was somebody approaching the truck now, knowing it was disabled and that he and Melissa were sitting ducks?
    Minutes ticked by—tense minutes of silence. He was grateful that Melissa understood his need for focus, for complete concentration, and didn’t attempt to engage him in any way.
    His heart continued to bang unusually fast, but as the fear began to recede, anger took its place. Who was behind these attacks? Dammit, there had to be something he and Jimmy could do to figure out who was responsible and get them behind bars.
    Henry didn’t relax until he saw Jimmy’s patrol car pull up on the side of the road. Henry lowered his gun and opened his window as Jimmy got out of his car, gun drawn and headed across the ditch toward them.
    “You’re becoming a full-time job, Henry,” Jimmy said as he reached the driver side of the truck. “You both okay?” He bent down to look at Melissa. “Ma’am?”
    “I’m fine,” she replied, her voice a little stronger than it had been moments before.

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