Legacy of the Mist Clans Box Set

Free Legacy of the Mist Clans Box Set by Kathryn Loch

Book: Legacy of the Mist Clans Box Set by Kathryn Loch Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathryn Loch
Tags: Historical Medieval Scottish Romance
    Branan took another step forward. “Raise yer hand against her again and I will kill ye.”
    De Courcy scowled, his eyes still radiating hatred.
    “Branan, please!” Catriona cried.
    He looked down at her and realized she had thrown her weight against his body in a futile attempt to keep him from moving. His fury eased only slightly. Once again, she reached through the blackness, trying to pull him back to sanity.
    “What in bloody hell are you talking about?” de Courcy snapped. “I didn’t do anything to her.”
    Catriona spun, planting her back firmly against Branan’s chest. “Richard, you don’t understand. He thought you were going to hit me.”
    “He struck me without cause.” De Courcy’s anger grew and Branan found his own coiling again. A low growl rumbled through him.
    “Saint’s blood!” Catriona snarled. “Just be silent, Richard. Can’t you see I’m the only thing keeping him from killing you right now?”
    De Courcy stared at Branan, his face paling.
    Movement in the corner of his eye caught his attention. Branan blinked his vision clear and saw Gavin and Duguald, still fully armored, standing at the door.
    “Gavin,” Catriona said, relieved. “Branan thought Richard was going to hit me.”
    Gavin looked at Branan in understanding. “Take him to the gardens, Catriona, until it passes. I’ll talk to de Courcy.”
    Branan hunched his shoulders, glaring again at de Courcy, unwilling to allow his prey such an easy escape.
    Catriona turned and firmly wrapped both of her arms around one of his. “Come, Branan,” she said and took a step forward.
    She clung to him so tightly Branan knew he couldn’t disengage himself or resist without hurting her...and he would never, ever do that. He tried to gulp air into his lungs and that made him dizzy. He took a deep, shuddering breath.
    Catriona looked up at him and smiled. Branan’s rage eased considerably. There was no blood on her face, no bruises, no injury...that was all that mattered. Slowly, his limbs still quivering, he followed her out of the keep.
    Gavin sighed as Branan and Catriona left.
    “Bloody, bleeding hell!” de Courcy roared. “Bring me some wine.” He faced Gavin. “I will kill that bastard.”
    “Doubtful,” Gavin replied, trying to keep the humor from his voice. “Branan could rip you apart with this bare hands.”
    A servant handed de Courcy a cup and he drank deeply.
    “Catriona said Branan thought you were going to hit her.”
    “We argued.” De Courcy stopped and glared at Gavin. “Your sister is a willful creature. That surly streak within her needs to be curbed.”
    “Be grateful for that surly streak,” Gavin said, his own anger growing. “She stood betwixt you and Branan, otherwise you would be dead.”
    “But I never lifted a hand against her. We were arguing and the next thing I knew Branan was in front of her and launching his fist at me from out of nowhere.”
    Gavin shook his head, knowing exactly what happened. He had seen it many times in the two years Branan had stayed with them. But only once had Branan actually lost control and used the strength of his rage along with his fists to stop a threat. “De Courcy, you can’t blame Branan for his actions. You know Strickland killed his mother.”
    De Courcy shrugged. “I had heard something to that effect.”
    “He beat her to death.”
    De Courcy stopped his cup midway to his lips. “Beat her?”
    “Aye. He persecuted her often, many times severely injuring her. Branan was naught but a boy. Witnessing that kind of brutality for twelve years will affect a man. Then one night, Strickland struck her in the head, and the blow eventually caused her death.”
    “Sweet Jesu.”
    “We didn’t realize what it had done to Branan until he came to live with us. Catriona was...something of an impulsive child, many times preferring rough games with the boys rather than playing with the other girls.” He paused, smiling. “Some of the lads did

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