
Free Lush by Lauren Dane

Book: Lush by Lauren Dane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lauren Dane
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance
    Ryan closed his eyes and she winked at Daisy, who tried very
    hard not to laugh.
    “Surely you didn’t think we were playing Yahtzee and mak-
    ing s’mores.”
    “I try very hard not to think about whatever you get up to
    with your boyfriends. You’re our baby sister, we worry.”
    She squeezed her brother’s hand. “Thank you. I appreciate
    it. But I’m good.”
    “If he hurts you, I’m going to crush his nuts.”
    That made her laugh. “Deal.”
    Amazing how fast a fl ight went when you were on a private
    plane. Mary made a note to herself to make Adrian something
    yummy in thanks.
    There’d been a limo waiting for them at the airport as well.
    It took them straight into the city to the hotel Adrian had 24
    arranged for them. She loved New York City. Loved the lights.
    Loved the way the city simply never stopped. She loved the res-
    taurants, the clubs, loved the museums and the shopping. The
    next few days would be so much fun.
    She’d barely gotten her toiletries out and on the counter in
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    Lauren Dane
    the bathroom before people were at her door. She smiled as she
    opened up to admit them.
    Levi and Daisy stood with Jules, Gideon, Cal and Ryan.
    “We want to see your view.” Ryan came in and everyone fol-
    lowed. The view was pretty spectacular, she had to admit.
    “One, I’m starving and two, it’s not that late, especially on
    West Coast time. I want to go the Empire State Building. I hear
    it’s open late.”
    Jules nodded. “I looked it up. It is. I want to go.” She pulled
    her phone out. “I want to check in with Gillian fi rst.”
    Of course she’d looked it up. “Good idea.” Mary’s phone
    rang at that moment and she saw that it was Damien.
    “Hello.” She knew she grinned, but he made her giddy, so
    why not.
    “I hear your plane arrived. We’re making our way back to
    the city. Do you have plans yet?”
    “We were just talking about dinner and the Empire State
    Building. Jules is checking in with Gillian to see what’s up with
    “Will you call me and let me know where you’re having din-
    ner? I’ll come down and meet you.”
    “Sure. We’re doing the touristy thing fi rst, I imagine. Then
    dinner.” She wanted to see him. Felt that little zing his presence
    had brought with it. And then she was so getting naked with him.
    “I’ll see you in a bit, then.”
    She hung up to fi nd everyone staring. “No.” She sent Cal a
    warning glance.
    “No what, Tiny?”
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    “Tiny, my patootie. You hush. You have a boyfriend and a
    girlfriend. You don’t get to be judgy about my life. I support
    your choices, butthead.”
    Cal stepped closer, kissing her cheek. “Aw now, I’m not being
    judgy. I just want him to be perfect. He’s got a reputation. I don’t 05
    want you to get hurt.”
    Big brothers. Even when they were all adults they wanted to
    protect her. Which she usually thought was sweet. “We went
    over this on the plane. I’m not getting hurt. I know what he is.
    This is fun. This is sex and hanging out with someone I enjoy.
    I have a life. I’m not giving that up to hitch my wagon to some
    hot- stuff bachelor. When I settle down, I know the difference
    between right now and Mr. Right. I’m not stupid. We have good
    chemistry. That’s all. And that’s all it needs to be.”
    “Leave her be, Calvin. Your sister is a smart one. She’s per-
    fectly capable of managing her life.” Jules sent him a look and
    he rolled his eyes

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