A Body to Spare (The Odelia Grey Mysteries)
secret,” I said to Dev. “It’s something Fehring and the FBI are also looking into.” Dev’s blue eyes settled on me with expectation. “It’s Elaine Powers,” I finally admitted in a low whisper. “They’re wondering if this has something to do with her.”
    A hush fell over the table as if I’d just tried to conjure up Beelzebub in a dark room. After nearly a full minute of silence, Dev picked up his fork and took another bite of his food. Greg chewed on bread. Clark drank some club soda. Finally, Dev asked, “And?”
I remained still, hoping Clark would field this one.
    “And nothing,” my brother answered. “We’re trying to contact her, but no one has a direct line of communication.” Everyone turned to me, even Greg.
    “I have no idea how to reach her,” I answered, a smidge of defensiveness in my voice. “She just seems to pop up in the oddest places and at the weirdest times.” Finished, I pushed my plate away. “But like I told the police, this really doesn’t sound like her.”
    “No, it doesn’t,” agreed Dev. “Hitmen don’t advertise their work, not to mention she seems oddly protective of Odelia.” He paused. “Unless someone is trying to flush Powers out.”
    “That’s another theory,” I told Dev. “Since there doesn’t seem to be a direct connection to me yet, the cops are wondering if someone is trying to force Elaine or Willie out of the shadows.”
    “The cops are also going back and looking at all of our past run-ins with criminals,” Greg told him. “Just to see if anything clicks there.”
    Also finished with his food, Dev pushed his plate away and took a sip of his beer. Clark and Greg finished their meals, and the waiter came and cleared our plates. When he asked us about dessert and coffee, we waved him off. The check came. Greg grabbed it, but Dev snatched it out of his hand. “I did the inviting,” he said to Greg. “I’ll do the paying.” We knew better than to argue.
    After the waiter took the check and Dev’s credit card, Dev turned to me and said in a quiet, even tone that meant business, “Willie is one thing, but if I catch sight of Elaine Powers, she’s going down. Got that? And I won’t care if it’s on my final day on the job.” He swiveled his head around the table, letting his eyes rest on Greg and Clark in turn before finally coming back to me. “You all got that?”

    The next morning as I was cleaning up from the impromptu party of the night before, Clark showed up at my front door. “Got some coffee, sis?” he asked as soon as I let him in.
    “It’ll just take a sec,” I said as we headed into the kitchen.
    Clark took a seat at the kitchen table. “I’m assuming Greg’s off to work already since Wainwright wasn’t at the door.”
    “You assume correctly,” I said with a smile as I started a cup of coffee for him. “It was tough getting Greg out of bed this morning, but he was a trooper.”
    Clark eyed me up and down, taking in my sloppy attire. “Nice outfit,” he quipped. “I can see why Greg has the hots for you.”
    I stuck my tongue out at my brother. “You want that coffee or not?” That shut him up.
    The party had been fun and had lasted past midnight in spite of the fact that most of the guests had to be at work this morning. But at least today was Friday so they only had to suffer through one day before the weekend. The surprise guest the night before had been Steele. He’d called from Switzerland to give Dev his personal good wishes after receiving an email from Jill about Dev’s retirement and move. For Steele it was early morning, and he sounded fresh and chipper voicing his congratulations over the speaker on Jill’s cell phone. In spite of saying he didn’t want any fuss made, I could tell that Dev was touched by the outpouring of affection from the small gathering.
    Near the end of the party I saw Clark, Dev, and Fehring in a corner, their three heads together, brows furrowed with concern. I

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