Starless Nights (Hale Brothers Series Book 2)

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Book: Starless Nights (Hale Brothers Series Book 2) by Kathryn Andrews Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathryn Andrews
Tags: Hale Brothers Series
“Come on, let’s get you settled and then you can help me with the pizzas.”
    Letting out a deep sigh, I give her a small smile, and I know she knows . . . seeing him is hard for me.
    “Okay, lead the way.”

    Not too long after we start the pizzas, Drew arrives with their mom, Diane. She gives me a big hug, and is every bit as polite to me as she usually is, but this time, I feel like there is an underlying edge to her. I used to think that she liked me, but over the years, she’s made me feel more and more like she doesn’t want me around. I don’t understand what I ever did to her.
    Ali’s pizza dinner is delicious, as always, and I find it adorable that Drew has now added his own twist to the pizza, making them even more delicious—he grills them.
    “So, I have some news.” The table stops talking and everyone turns my way. Why am I so nervous? This news is exciting.
    “Oh, we like good news and this is definitely a weekend for celebrating. Can you believe that we are twenty-one? When did that happen?” Ali glances over to Drew and he winks at her.
    Taking a deep breath, I look around the table and stop at Beau. He’s looking at me and I momentarily forget what I am saying.
    “Spill it, Starling,” Drew says.
    “Okay, okay. Last spring, I entered a contest hoping to be selected as the “Rising Designer” for this fall’s Fashion Week, and well, I won.”
    Ali squeals and jumps up from the table to hug me. “That’s so amazing! I remember you talking about this months ago. Tell us more.”
    “Well, I had to submit five designs, and they loved them all so much I get to do a full collection at the start of the show.”
    “Who’s show?”
    “BLK’s.” Ali gasps, and the table grows quiet. All five of them stare at me and I feel a blush spread through my cheeks.
    “That’s who’s presenting you? Wow, this is huge for you! The exposure and possibilities could be endless.” Ali says to me.
    “I know, Vogue called this morning. I’m going to get a two page spread in their Fashion Week highlight section.”
    “Vogue! Oh my, I’m going to buy out the news stand and tell everyone I know.” Ali is bouncing in her chair.
    I giggle at her excitement over this. Charlie already knows that I won, but I couldn’t wait to tell Ali.
    My smile drops as Beau leans across the table and lays his warm hand on top of mine. He hasn’t touched me in over a year and this contact is almost enough to make me cry.
    “I always knew you could do it. I’m so proud of you,” he says quietly.
    I can see that he is too. The emotion in his eyes is a mixture of kindness and awe. These words coming from him, he’ll never know how much they mean to me. My eyes fill with tears.
    “Thank you,” I say softly back to him.
    He gives me a small smile but doesn’t say anything more. I know the moment is over but he leaves his hand on top of mine for a few seconds longer. I’m glowing on the inside.
    The entire table has stopped talking and is watching the two of us but I just don’t care.

    After the kitchen clean-up, Diane retires to her room, Matt figured out how to get the Xbox on in the game room, and Ali and Drew go for a walk on the beach. Sucking up my nerves, I wander out to the back deck and sit down on the lounge chair next to Beau. He never looks my way, and knowing him like I do, if I don’t say something, it’s possible that we could sit here all night in silence.
    “So, what are you doing out here?” I ask him.
    “Truth?” he says without really acknowledging me.
    “Of course.”
    “Looking at the stars.”
    He still looks at the stars. My heart squeezes. After we moved to Atlanta, every night I would lie out under the stars. It was comforting for me to know that he was out there under them too.
    “You still look at them?” He knows what I am asking, and he pauses to think about his answer.
    “No. Living in the city, you can’t see them at all.”
    No. His answer stings and my

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