Starless Nights (Hale Brothers Series Book 2)

Free Starless Nights (Hale Brothers Series Book 2) by Kathryn Andrews

Book: Starless Nights (Hale Brothers Series Book 2) by Kathryn Andrews Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathryn Andrews
Tags: Hale Brothers Series
the back of the living room. The entire wall is made up of windows and I take in the view.
    “Why do you want to know?” Staring out at the ocean, I contemplate just telling her everything. I’ve never told anyone everything. The thought terrifies me, and I can’t do it. I don’t want to be brought back to that time and I don’t want to tell her what her friend did to me. This is between Leila and me, and no one else.
    “Because, I happen to love you both and I don’t understand. When the two of you are together, there’s this crazy vibe running back and forth. It’s confusing. I see the way she looks at you and the way you look at her, and I think that the two of you would be perfect together.”
    Turning to face her, I glance over and see Matt sitting on a stool in the kitchen. He’s listening to this conversation too. “Let it go, Ali. It’s never going to happen.”
    “But why?” I know she doesn’t understand, but I just can’t go there.
    “She’s not the person I thought she was, okay?”
    She studies me again.
    “She’s coming this weekend,” she says nervously.
    I don’t want Ali to feel like she can’t have her friend around. She doesn’t have a lot of them. She’s so busy with dance, school, and Drew, and as for Leila, I know first-hand that when she’s someone’s friend, she is a really good one.
    “Of course she is,” I say, adding a little sarcasm to my tone.
    She frowns and then I smile.
    “Whatever, I’m used to her being around. I’m glad you invited her. It’s your birthday and she’s your friend. It’s not like we don’t get along and cause problems.”
    “I know, I just wanted to tell you before she gets here.”
    “No worries, okay?” I wrap my arm around her shoulders and give her a squeeze. “Where’s Drew?”
    “He went to pick up your mom. Come on, let me show you and Matt to your rooms.”
    “Tiny! Did you know that cows have four stomachs?”
    She giggles. “No, I didn’t. Did you know on average that Americans consume 18 acres of pizza per day?”
    “You know, I think it’s evil for you to utter the word pizza in front of me and then not deliver.”
    “Really, is that so?” She’s mocking me.
    “You know it is.”
    “Well, it just so happens that every Saturday here, there’s a farmer’s market right down the road. It is supposed to be the best in the Hamptons and I was thinking that you might wanna go with me to pick up some vegetables.”
    Frowning at her, I let out a pouty sigh. “Vegetables? So not the direction I was hoping you were going.”
    She giggles again. “I thought you wanted pizza? I’m gonna need some things, like tomatoes.”
    “Homemade pizza!” I tighten my grip on her shoulder and squeeze again. She has just made my day, no matter if Leila is going to be here or not.
    Ali nods her head, smiling.
    “And this farmer’s market is officially my favorite farmer’s market.”
    Matt decided to stay behind to go for run on the beach, while we headed to the market. This market is pretty cool. It reminds me of the street fairs we see in the city, with the white tents, but instead of prepared food, it’s produce, cheeses, oils, soaps, and breads.
    “So how do you like the city so far?” Ali asks, while sorting through the tomatoes.
    “I actually like it a lot. It's different than what I expected.” She hands me the basket so both of her hands are free.
    “That's what Drew said too. The lights and the noise.”
    “Yeah, those things, but it's the lack of openness. You can't really see the sky.”
    Ali looks over at me but I keep looking down at the different vegetables.
    “You miss the stars.” It isn't a question, it's a statement.
    She punches me in the arm. “Liar.”
    "Maybe," I smirk at her. The truth is I'm trying to forget the stars. After Leila left, I would stare out the window at night and watch them twinkle and move across the sky as the hours passed. Every night, I wondered if she was looking at

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