The Naughty Stuff

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Book: The Naughty Stuff by Ella Dominguez Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ella Dominguez
ate. I read. I played a few games on my phone. I ate again. I waited.”
    “And?” he prompted.
    Her parted lips clamped shut. Did he know she had played with herself? Of course not. He was just guessing. Her stomach knotted and she stiffened under his accusing stare. Sitting up straight, she crossed her legs and placed her hands in her lap while remaining quiet.
    Pushing himself off the chair, he began to pace back and forth in front of her, then around the chaise, his hands clasped behind his back.
    “I’m disappointed in you. I had hoped we could enjoy each other’s company tonight and that I could taste that exquisite pussy of yours again, but…” he trailed off, pausing in front of the window and looking out. “Seeing as you don’t need me to get you off and you can do it yourself, I guess our time here is done. Gather your things and I’ll see you next weekend.”
    Elsa’s mouth gaped open in utter disbelief. She had waited all day and for what? So he could deny her an orgasm and dismiss her because she had fingered herself? She stood, incensed and exasperated and… she couldn’t even put into coherent thoughts what she was feeling.
    As her breathing became more labored and loud, he peered over his shoulder and lifted his brows. “What are you waiting for? You’re free to leave,” he replied with a finality that forbade any further discussion.
    She stomped upstairs, seething more with every passing minute. She retrieved her bag and tore back downstairs to get the hell out of there when Mr. Black’s inflamed voice resonated through the hallway behind her.
    “Rule number five: All your orgasms belong to me.”

From The Art of Submission

Suspended Disbelief
    Then I proceed to get the suspension rig ready for her. This is where I want to take her. She sits watching me keenly; taking everything in and I can’t help but feel like she’s taking notes on how to work the equipment. Why would she be doing that?
    First I place the suspension cuffs on her, explaining that they have a quick release snap on them, in case she feels panicked. Then I guide her from the bed over to the rig. I have her stand directly underneath the spreader bar and have her raise her arms up so that I can get her wrists fastened to each end. I pause briefly to gauge her reaction in case she’s having second thoughts. To my amusement, she’s staring overhead at the rig, seemingly fascinated by it. I lower the bar just low enough to meet her wrists and adjust the bar so that her wrists are about one foot apart and snap the cuffs into place. The sound of the metal on metal, the sight of Isa so ready and willing and her breath on my chest as I reach overhead to bind her, is almost more than I can take. Once she’s restrained, I look down at her and ask if she really wants to do this. 
    “More than you’ll ever know, Sir,” she says smiling deviously at me. 
    Fuck yes. I walk over to the crank and slowly turn the handle. I see her body slowly rise off the floor. I lift her just enough so that her feet are off the ground, but the balls of her feet are still touching the floor. I move in front of her and slip her socks and panties off.
    “Nice socks, by the way.”  I tell her; my comment sending a smile across her face.
    As I run my fingers up the inside of her thighs, she lets out a small sigh and I rub her pussy ever so lightly.
    “Always so eager, aren’t you, Isa?” I ask as I feel her wetness.
    Then I grab the fixed ankle spreader bar. I hold it up to Isa so she can get a good look at it. She scans it excitedly and then licks her lips. I place her ankles in the cuffs and adjust the bar to an almost uncomfortable width for her. I stand back and eye my filthy handiwork.
    “You look fucking magnificent, Isa.”  I tell her.
    She smiles shyly and a beautiful pink hue steals onto her cheeks. I start rubbing my cock through my pants as she watches me impatiently. Then I start to undress.
    “Slower, Sir. I want to enjoy

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