The Naughty Stuff

Free The Naughty Stuff by Ella Dominguez

Book: The Naughty Stuff by Ella Dominguez Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ella Dominguez
waiting for his next move.
    He walked over to Kate and stood to the side of the bench. When she heard his movements, her perfect, firm ass rose in the air.
    “You deserve to be spanked, there’s no doubt about it,” he spoke just loud enough for her to hear.
    “I do. I’ve been a very bad girl,” she sighed.
    He rested his hands on his hips and glared down at her. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
    Her ass lifted higher. “Yes, Sir, I would.”
    “Well, then, a spanking is exactly what you’re not going to get.”
    Kate’s head turned to the side and she had a look of bewilderment on her face.
    “Do you know why?”
    No response.
    “Because it’s my decision what kind of pleasure and punishment you’ll get tonight.” Her bottom lip nearly hit the floor and he felt a sense of prevailing dominance in taking the reins. “Now, say it. Say: you alone are the master of this scene, Mr. Morrison. ” He skimmed his fingers lightly over Kate’s ass. When she didn’t immediately answer, he squeezed the smooth flesh of one of her cheeks, digging his fingertips into her browned skin. “Say. It.”
    Even though Sawyer’s voice was cold and exact, she squealed out and panted, but still refused to comply. She was stubborn if nothing else and he wasn’t going to put up with it. He pushed his fingers into her and pumped them in and out rapidly while alternating stimulating her clit.
    “Tell me what I want to hear, Kate, and I’ll let you come,” he breathed out, husky and ragged as he continued his assault on her pussy. Several minutes later the wet sound coming from her body became louder, and as her pussy began to swell with come he felt a distinct quivering of her inner muscles. Abruptly he pulled his fingers out and clamped onto her ass.
    “Oh, God…” Kate mewled with the need for release.
    “No. Mr. Morrison,” he announced sternly.
    When Sawyer’s fingers dug deeper yet in the flesh on her ass cheek, she gave in. “You’re the Master of this scene, Mr. Morrison.”
    When he spoke again, his voice was tender, almost a murmur. “Do you want to come tonight?”
    Kate nodded her head exaggeratedly.
    “Speak,” he stared at her with glacial eyes.
    Her eyes came up to study Sawyer’s face. “I want to come, Mr. Morrison.”
    He slid two fingers back into her dripping folds. The scent of her aroused femininity was clouding his brain and his cock stiffened painfully. Easing his digits in and out little by little, he leaned into her ear and nipped her lobe. “I didn’t hear a please with that.”
    Lowering her lids, she responded obediently. “Please…”
    “I knew you could be a good girl if you just tried,” he cooed in her ear.
    He had missed the taste of a woman. Removing his fingers, he licked them then quickly replaced them and vigorously fingered fucked her again, seeking out the spot he had been reading about for months. Sawyer was a man who believed that knowledge was power and he had not only done his homework on BDSM, but everything about a woman’s body that he could find. He had taken notes and studied for this day. He had even experimented on Sonya who was unknowing that she was his first.   He had gotten an excellent response from her and was amazed at how much he enjoyed pleasuring a woman in such a way.
    When he found what he was looking for, he tugged at her G-spot, delighting in the rough patch that was making Kate practically crawl out of her skin. The real thing was far better than any picture or video.
    Her eyes fluttered open and closed, and shone brightly with lust and wanting.  Her moans became louder and she thrust her ass into his palm, wanting more of the bliss that he was giving her. Sawyer pulled his hand back, leaving her uncomfortable and needy once again.
    “Now beg for it,” his voice rang out with finality.
    Kate thrashed her head as if fighting the urge to give into the inexperienced Dom, but when Sawyer licked the nape of her neck and nipped her shoulder

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