Accidentally Aphrodite

Free Accidentally Aphrodite by Dakota Cassidy

Book: Accidentally Aphrodite by Dakota Cassidy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dakota Cassidy
trusted to find someone else’s? So maybe there’s a way we can pass this power off to someone else. Maybe knock down a better candidate and make them bite the apple? I’ll hold ’em down if you steamroll.” She held up a fist to Ingrid to encourage her help. “You in, buddy?”
    Khristos slid forward on the coffee table then, bracketing her face with his big hands. “Quinn, look at me and listen to my words. There is no handing this off to someone. This is forever . The second you nicked that apple with your teeth was the second you gave up your mortality and became Aphrodite. Period.”
    Mortality? “I’m immortal now, too?”
    Khristos nodded his dark head. “Just like Dracula.”
    “I don’t like this turn of events.”
    “I don’t get this sudden change of heart. Back in Greece, you were all eye of the tiger.”
    That’s because Ingrid had been right. She’d been in shock. Now that shock had worn off, and quite frankly, she wanted out.
    “Your motherland does something to me I can’t quite explain. Plus, I’m sure I had a touch of heat stroke. I mean, my boobs did inflate. All that pumping me up must have in turn deflated my brain cells. Something clearly had to give. But I’m back on my turf now and my turf says I’m the minimum wage of Aphrodites.”
    “On the contrary, darling,” a disembodied voice scolded, though it was tinkly and light.
    Quinn’s heart began to race as her eyes scanned the room. The air grew still again, much like it had back at the Parthenon. Which meant she was in line for a Nicki Minaj ass.
    Immediately, she was on her feet and tripping over Khristos’s shoes to get to Nina. Scooping Buffy and Spike up, she huddled them close and hopped in Nina’s lap before wrapping her arms around her neck and burying her face in the vampire’s thick cloud of hair.
    And then the voice spoke again while the air crackled with fissions of electric blue and pink and the room rumbled all around them. “You will perform your duties as Aphrodite, Quinn, and you will perform them well, or my son will suffer the wrath of the gods!”

Chapter 5
    A h. There she was. He’d known it wouldn’t be long until word made it to her that her power had been taken.
    “Get off me, Lite-Brite or I’ll give you a real reason to freak,” Nina ordered, attempting to pull out of Quinn’s hold on her. “Jesus H, you’re like a damn octopus.”
    Nina lifted Quinn up off her lap and stood her in the corner of the room, but Quinn wasn’t letting go. She clung to Nina’s hand, her legs visibly shaking as the other women rushed to her side.
    Khristos looked heavenward, hands on hips, ready for third-degree verbal lacerations from his mother’s sharp tongue. But he wouldn’t allow her to frighten Quinn. This wasn’t her fault.
    “Mom, knock off the big, scary disembodied voice thing, would you?” he ordered. “Delicate flower here. If you want to rumble, show yourself. But you’ll do all the rumbling with me .”
    Silence. Deafeningly so.
    He was getting the silent treatment—which was just as well, considering the vocal treatment involved things breaking and sometimes a slight shift in Mt. Rushmore. But it also meant she was pretty damn pissed. And to be fair, she should be.
    She’d just lost the power to do what she loved to do best. Meddle. Mythology told the story of Aphrodite, the master at evoking love and lust in men, and while that much was once true, the game had grown cold for his mother—whose real name was Esther-Lou.
    She’d mellowed over the centuries, and what she really loved was helping people find love and happily ever afters—likely because she couldn’t find one of her own. But she loved love in all shapes and sizes. Especially if you took into account the amount of Hallmark movies she watched as a barometer for her sentimental streak.
    Yet, she’d been talking about retiring for years now. She was tired. She’d complained just last family dinner about it. She

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