Blood Challenge

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Book: Blood Challenge by Kit Tunstall Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kit Tunstall
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mate…at least for the next three months, until the snow thawed.
    What an amazing study she could write about the existence of werewolves, from the perspective of having lived among the Pack as the Alpha’s mate for three months. Dr. Ludlow wouldn’t stand a chance of usurping the chair position if her study was scientifically verifiable and documented. But could she do that?

    Chapter 6
    After a restless night, Ellie rose early. She washed and dressed quickly, slipping from the cabin before Viggo or Davinia were even awake. The first streaks of dawn were just painting the sky as she made her way to Golatia’s, knowing the old woman would have the answers she needed.
    More snow had fallen during the night, and no one had cleared the path yet, so it took Ellie longer than usual to walk to Golatia’s. She knocked on the door, hoping the older woman would be awake this early. A few minutes passed without anyone appearing, and she was just about to return to Davinia’s when she heard the latch lift. Seconds later, Golatia opened the door, still wearing her nightdress and robe, with her white hair bound into a single long braid.
    Ellie stepped back. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you. I’ll come back—”
    “Come in.” Golatia opened the door wider. “I wasn’t asleep. Merely reading. The old bones don’t cooperate with a full night’s rest any longer.”
    She stepped inside. The smell of baking bread and coffee met her, and she inhaled. When Golatia had closed the door, Ellie turned to her. “I need your help.”
    The older woman nodded, gesturing Ellie to follow her into the kitchen. “You want to know about the Mating Moon Ceremony.”
    “Yes. I want to know the implications of being challenged for.”
    Golatia took two mugs from the cabinet and filled them with coffee. “Have you eaten, dear?”
    “No.” The way her stomach churned, she wasn’t sure if she could.
    “Have some cinnamon bread. It will be out of the oven in a minute.”
    “Sure, thanks.”
    “Be a dear and fetch the butter from the pantry.” She pointed to a little door in the wall.
    Ellie walked over to the pantry and opened it. She saw shelves of jarred preserves, but no butter. “Where—”
    “Lift up the trapdoor. There’s a cool storage there, dug directly into the ground. It never gets very warm here in the mountains, and the groundwater keeps the spot nice and cool, even in summer. You might have to get on your knees.”
    Ellie knelt down, reaching for a crock of butter on a low shelf. Steps descended into the storage area, and she frowned, imagining what could happen to Golatia if she fell. She stood up and brought the container to the counter where Golatia was putting the bread, fresh from the oven. “Do you use that space often?”
    “No, not these days. I stick to the top shelf, mostly.” Golatia took a knife from the drawer and laid it on the counter by the butter. “Now, let’s have a talk while the bread cools a bit.”
    “Rica told me he’s challenging for me. What do I do, Golatia?”
    Golatia led her to the small wooden table, where she placed their mugs of coffee and took a seat. She patted the other, waiting until Ellie sat down before speaking. “What do you want to do?”
    A blush warmed Ellie’s face as the erotic images that had paraded through her mind all last night and kept sleep at bay raised up to haunt her again. She couldn’t tell that to this sweet old lady. It would be like confessing such a thing to her grandmother. “I can’t stay, so it wouldn’t be right to let him do this.”
    Golatia laughed. “You’d be hard pressed to stop Rica from doing anything he wanted. He wants you, Ellie.”
    “He said I or my Guardian could reject him.” She clasped her hands around the mug, drawing warmth from the ceramic.
    “You can reject him, but he can still claim you for a moon-cycle.”
    “He mentioned that. What does it mean?”
    Golatia sipped the coffee before answering.

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