Blood Challenge

Free Blood Challenge by Kit Tunstall

Book: Blood Challenge by Kit Tunstall Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kit Tunstall
Tags: Demonoid Upload 3
stood in front of her. She followed with her head, craning her neck to look up at him when he stopped moving. Ellie remained silent.
    “Is it possible for you not to spy on us?” He didn’t sound angry.
    She shrugged. “I have a curious nature, and Golatia told me I was a topic in your gathering.” She automatically slid over as Rica turned and sat beside her, not bothering to brush away the snow as he did so.
    “How much did you see?”
    “Most of it.”
    “Did you see Istal and Viggo transform?”
    Rica looked at her with surprise. “You’re taking it calmly.”
    Ellie gave him a small smile. “Oh, not as well as I appear. I’m shocked, to say the least.”
    “Do you have any questions?”
    It surprised her that he was willing to be open about his culture. She felt a twinge of guilt, imagining how he would react when he discovered her profession. She tried to dismiss her contradictory feelings when she replied. “Thousands, but I can’t seem to sort through them all right now.”
    She shivered as he leaned closer, brushing his leg against hers.
    “Are you cold?” He put his arm around her as he asked the question. His bare skin provided a surprising amount of warmth.
    Ellie resisted the urge to curl against him. “What’s the Mating Moon Ceremony?”
    “What does it sound like?” His voice was a whisper against her ear as he leaned closer still, bowing his neck.
    “It sounds like the women are fought over.”
    “That’s exactly what it is.”
    She stiffened as he licked her ear. “What are you doing?”
    “Tasting you.”
    “Why?” Was that breathless moan really her voice?
    “Because I want to.” He growled the answer in a rough tone, but it held no anger. Only passion.
    She cleared her throat and tipped her head away. “Do you always get what you want?”
    She tried to blot out the rush of sensations that accompanied his hand as he trailed it up her thigh. She had to ask him about something important, if only she could remember what that was. Oh, yes, the Mating Moon. “What’s the female’s part in this ceremony?” Even as she asked, she knew the answer on a deeper level.
    “Men will compete for you to be their mate.”
    She shook her head. “No. I won’t do it.”
    Rica grasped her chin and turned her face to his. “You don’t have a choice, Ellie. We’ve claimed you as Pack.”
    “So you men just decide who the women will mate with.” She strove for an outraged tone, even as her heart raced in her ears. Liquid heat invaded her pussy as Rica’s hand went higher, brushing against her mound.
    “On the surface, but most of the women end up with the mate or mates they want.”
    “How?” She bit back a moan as Rica’s fingers tugged at the button and zipper of her jeans. When his hand touched her bare waist above her panties, she couldn’t resist a small sound of pleasure.
    “There are two theories. The first is, women are naturally drawn to the strongest male. It’s an evolutionary instinct, to protect themselves and their offspring.” His voice lowered to a whisper as he finished.
    She gasped when Rica leaned forward to brush a soft kiss against her lips, as his fingers breached the barrier of the elastic waistband on her panties. She closed her eyes, praying for strength to withstand his desire and her own. “What’s the other explanation?”
    He withdrew from her mouth, but she could feel his breath on her cheek when he answered. “It’s more sentimental. Love gives them power to win.” He sounded amused by the idea. “That idea is popular among the younger girls.”
    “Of course.” She was proud of her level tone. “It allows them to think they aren’t just property won by the strongest.” She opened her eyes and met his. Somehow, she found the strength to lean away from his tempting lips. She couldn’t make herself pull his hand away from her pussy as he stroked her soft curls. “I won’t participate.”

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