Exclusive Contract
the room he pulled out his enormous cock.
    God, he was huge. I knew it from our airplane encounter, but now I could fully appreciate it, standing tall and proud and heavy in the soft light streaming in through the window. I spread my pussy with my fingers and began to give my clit the quick, tight circles I knew would bring me to climax in a few minutes.
    Kent's long-fingered hand began to stroke his cock.
    Make that less than a minute.
    Our breathing began to match up, pulsing in time with our frantic ministrations. My core tightened as I watched Kent stroke his shaft, and his glittering eyes raked over my naked body. I twisted and turned, my feet finding the mattress and pushing up into my hand. I bit my lip, tiny moans escaping from my throat as I fondled my breasts.
    “Jesus, Rebecca,” Kent said. “Jesus, Jesus...”
    I forced myself to turn and watch him as his hips started thrusting into his fist. Beneath the thin white cotton of his undershirt his perfectly sculpted abs contracted and relaxed as he fell into the rhythm of pleasure. Gleaming beads of precum escaped his cock, making the soft head gleam in the dimness as he swirled his palm over the glans. I wondered if it tasted as good as it looked—dark and sweet and thick.
    The sad thought—that this might be the last time we could do something like this together—flashed in and out of my mind like lightning. It was weird. I didn't know Kent. It was all hormones and stress and desperation between us, a way to relieve pressure, but I couldn't help but think that there could have been something more there. At the very least, the sex would have been molten hot. I wanted it badly. So, so badly.
    But I couldn't. He was right. We had jobs to do, we were now boss and employee, and now he sat across the room, a thousand miles away, stroking his cock and watching me play with my cunt, feeling each other only in our imaginations.
    How big would he be in me? Would he touch all the secret parts, the sweet, soft places that ached for him? Would he be quick, or take his time? Would his hips twist, would he grind against my clit, would the bulbous head of his cock pull and plunge in completely, or would he move in tight, quick thrusts? Would he, could he, what would his body feel like, all whip-cord muscles and rough, calloused fingers, teeth and tongue and hard and thick and oh—
    My orgasm came suddenly, swiftly, wrapping around me like a vise, and I arched hard into my hand. My palm flattened against my pussy of its own accord, rubbing and sliding, almost frictionless with the slick juices of my core, and the tiny, strangled sound that escaped my throat reached across the room and jerked Kent over the edge with me.
    “Shit—!” It came out as a hiss, a hard, sharp thing, cutting through me like a knife, and I turned my head just in time to see white spurts of cum leap out of his cock. They flew through the air, up across his granite-hard abdomen, spattering over the wifebeater he wore, and his head was thrown back with release. The column of his throat bulged with his Adam's apple, and the low moan he made reverberated through the entire room, quivering and dancing over my skin.
    The pleasure receded, leaving me exhausted and limp upon the bed. In his armchair, Kent sagged, clearly just as spent, but as our breathing slowed down our mutual knowledge that this was now over crept in, crowding out the aftershocks. I didn't know what to say. Thanks for the laughs?
    Finally he stood up, readjusting his clothing until he was mostly-presentable. I sat up and reached down the bed, pulling the covers around me. I wanted him to kiss me for some reason, but he didn't. He just stared at me for a long moment, his face unreadable in the dark.
    “Good night, Rebecca,” he said at last. “I'll see you in the morning. Get some sleep, it's going to be a fight.”
    I swallowed and nodded. “Yeah. Okay. Good night.”
    He left.
    I didn't sleep at all.

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