“While we wait, we’ll have coffee by the pool.”
    Reminiscent of old movie style, the steward nodded and tipped his hat. “Very good, sir. I’ll bring a menu for your selection.” He bowed slightly. “Anything else, sir?”
    “That will do.” Sam hugged her close, yet she wasn’t falling for it. He used the show of tenderness to take a recon look around.
    “See anything?” Lana absently kissed his cheek.
    “The snake woman is watching us.” Sam pulled the brim of the hat up to peer into her eyes. “Now, on the other hand, you have the most beautiful eyes I have ever looked into.”
    She laughed and let a shiver of pleasure run its course. “We had better have our coffee and keep her in sight.”
    He took another look around and led the way to the café-style restaurant. Lana understood his lack of attentiveness. One of Antigua’s hatchet men had joined Snake Woman. Lana thought of zombie people while the man stood by Snake Woman, his crafty gaze slithering over the crowd. The two didn’t speak, and her departure seemed to go unnoticed. Something strange hovered around those people. They were dangerous.
    Lana wouldn’t ask Sam if he’d gotten the same feeling of being near the un-dead. That’s all he would need to see her as an added burden. She blinked her eyes and the Antigua guard had left the area. Sam’s warm voice swept the unpleasant moment away.
    She didn’t object to him ordering broiled chicken for lunch. Her stomach rumbled with hunger, and the rich coffee didn’t ease the desire for food. She grabbed an éclair, closing her eyes with pleasure as she swallowed a bite of the rich pastry.
    “Come on, baby.” Sam rose and took the packages. “Let’s go have our lunch in a better atmosphere.”
    Lana thought about how heated the atmosphere could become if they let go of restraint. She knew this had to end. The pressure of being an agent had become too much to bear. One part of her could be depended on. The other part wanted to chuck it all for one more chance at ecstasy.

    Chapter Nine
    While they waited for their meal, Sam checked in with the bureau, giving a description of Antigua’s entourage. Lana tried to concentrate on the list she made of activities to keep them near Antigua.
    “Sam, we should stay near the pool tomorrow.” She tapped her pen on her chin. “We can see so much up there and maybe get to know him better. He seems to like company.”
    He ended the call and sank down on the bed. “They want pictures of the stash Antigua has for the buy. Plus all the guns protecting him. Turns out, most of them are on the list for their association with known terrorists.”
    She didn’t seem worried by his observation and held up her camera. “That’s what this is for.”
    He got up to let the steward in. “Put that away, babe. You don’t know who this guy is really working for.”
    She nodded, dropping the camera in a drawer of the armoire. “Okay. I’m ready.”
    Their meal had been delivered and the steward gone before their conversation resumed. He listened at the door before sitting down to eat.
    “So, Pearly. Why are you afraid to spend money on yourself?” He instantly rephrased the comment. She avoided eye contact, flushing with embarrassment. “I should have said frugal.”
    She finished chewing her bite of salad, now angry and defensive. “Are you worried about being repaid?”
    He placed his fork on his plate, eyeing her like she had been put under a microscope. “You don’t repay a gift.” He sipped his water, quietly waiting for an answer.
    Why not tell him? She wasn’t anything more to him than a temporary partner, and it would never get back to the people involved.
    “My parents fought constantly about money.” The echo of those never-ending arguments haunted her. “Not the lack of it, but how my mother bought new clothes on a daily bases. That irked my father. He’s thrifty, almost crazy about keeping accounts straight.”
    Sam tasted the salad and

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