Arcane Magic (Stella Mayweather Series)

Free Arcane Magic (Stella Mayweather Series) by Camilla Chafer

Book: Arcane Magic (Stella Mayweather Series) by Camilla Chafer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Camilla Chafer
called unless it was for a business matter. The lead feeling in my stomach morphed into worry. What was so urgent and important that Étoile needed to call in an outsider? Not that I was an outsider, strictly speaking, but I definitely wasn't one of the inner circle of witches that ran the Council... however, I was someone Étoile trusted.
    "What's going on?" I enquired, my voice full of cautious concern.
    Étoile's voice was guarded even though she was being purposefully soft and vague. "Nothing."
    "Can you speak?"
    Étoile hesitated. "Here, yes." I paused, contemplating that, and wondering if Étoile was concerned about being overheard. Étoile pointed to her eyes, then turned her fingers on me. Being watched; got it. I nodded my understanding, and wondered if Étoile suspected we were being listened to as well. Spying on Étoile could be considered a crime, and I couldn’t imagine who or what would risk such an action. "Listen, Stella, I don't have much time. I asked you to come here where we can't be observed. I wouldn't ask if I didn't have to. I need to get this package to Evan and I can't risk sending it by magical means. I need someone to take it personally and make sure it gets into his hands. You know both of us, you're loyal, and you're not..."
    "No problem," I decided. It wasn't like Étoile ever asked much of me, and the Council did pay a large chunk of my salary. Plus, I must admit, I did want to see Evan, despite that it made me uncomfortable. I missed him terribly and even if we couldn't be together now, well, in the future... who knew? The feeling that I had when I saw him after so long surged through me like a wave of raw emotion, cresting, and crashing somewhere around my heart. Perhaps the trip would give us an opportunity to talk? "When do you need me?"
    "Right away. I want you to get this package to Evan today. He's at his home."
    "I'll need to shimmer all the way across country," I pointed out. "I'm wiped out from all the long distance trips I've been making."
    "I figured as much, so I got you an extra power boost..."
    "What's that?"
    "The question is 'who?' and seeing as you sort of asked. My sister."
    I beamed. "David can spare Seren from the shop?"
    Étoile paused. "Other sister. Astra."
    "Oh!" Surprise tinged my voice and the smile on my lips faded. Astra and I first met under dire circumstances, but lately, she'd gone a long way to make up for her past mistakes. Part of me was still wary of her, although another part admired the effort she made in rehabilitating herself from the cruel manipulation she endured at the hands of my first real foe. "Okay..."
    "It'll be fine," Étoile cut in. "Astra will aid you with the power you need to travel that far. With her help, you should both get there and back again just fine. It's important no one knows either of you are gone. You've been seen here, so that will get around."
    "That's why you had me meet you at The Amethyst? You wanted me to be seen, otherwise, I could have come straight to your apartment," I realised. "You wanted people to think I was thousands of miles away from Evan."
    Étoile nodded. "Stella, things aren't altogether safe here right now. I trust you; and I need you to do this for me. I really wouldn't ask if it wasn't totally necessary."
    "Is there any reason Astra can't go alone? Not that I mind," I added, hurriedly, "but..."
    "If I'm asked, or Evan's home is being observed for any reason, there's no way I can explain Astra being at Evan's house alone," Étoile explained, "But if she went with you, it's because you wanted to visit. I can explain that. That's plausible. Astra is merely a smokescreen and a power boost so you can get your job done. This job is yours, not hers."
    "It's not a problem," I assured her, trying not to dwell on the thought of Evan. "I'll do it."
    "Good. Thank you. I can't tell you how... This is very important, Stella. When I give the package to you, do not open it under any circumstances; and do not let it out of

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