Protecting Alabama (SEAL of Protection Book 2)

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Book: Protecting Alabama (SEAL of Protection Book 2) by Susan Stoker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Stoker
get some sleep.”
    “Okay, Christopher. Thank you for calling. I’ve really enjoyed it.”
    “It was my pleasure. The only way this would’ve been better is if we’d been face to face. I’ll get back with you soon about our date on Friday, all right?”
    “All right.”
    “Sleep well, sweet. I’ll be thinking about you.”
    “Good night.”
    Alabama clicked off the phone and held it to her chest. She’d never felt like this in all her life. She felt as if she mattered. She’d never mattered to anyone before. It felt good.

Chapter Eight
    Alabama had just spoken with Stacey Wolfe. She’d been glad to hear from her and had expressed her thanks for what she’d done to help save lives the night of the fire. She’d reassured Alabama that she still had a job. The Wolfe’s were working on renting a building near the one that had burned down until they could rebuild. Within a week they’d be ready and Alabama could go back to work.
    The company was even going to pay her for the week of work she wouldn’t be doing. It was more than generous of them. Alabama almost didn’t know what to do with the surprising time off. She would’ve preferred to have stayed busy so she wouldn’t have to think about her upcoming date.
    She hadn’t seen Christopher since their coffee date, but they’d talked on the phone two more times. The first time it was a short conversation. Christopher had called in between meetings just to say hello. Alabama had been so bamboozled, she hadn’t had much to say, but luckily Christopher didn’t seem to mind.
    The second time was another late night phone call and they talked for another couple of hours. Alabama learned more about his sisters and mom and how much they meant to him. He’d even told her he wanted them to meet her. He knew he’d made her uncomfortable and had rushed to reassure her that they’d love her.
    They’d talked for a bit more before ending the call. Alabama even admitted to him partly why she was able to talk to him on the phone, but wasn’t comfortable talking in public. She’d told him she didn’t have to worry about if anyone was around listening to her or judging her. Christopher had tried to tell her that it didn’t matter what others thought about her, but since that wasn’t the only reason she was more comfortable talking to him on the phone in the safety of her own house, Alabama didn’t argue with him.
    Christopher had again told her that he’d be thinking about her before he let her hang up the phone.
    Now it was Friday and time for their date. Christopher wouldn’t tell her much about where they were going, he’d only told her to be sure to wear comfortable clothes and to bring a sweatshirt of some sort.
    Abe was feeling antsy. He hadn’t felt this way about a woman in a long time. His buddies, especially Wolf, had teased him unmercifully. They’d all wanted to meet Alabama, but he’d told them they’d have to wait. He knew Alabama was shy around others and didn’t want her to be overwhelmed with his friends before he could make sure she was his.
    Abe planned an interesting day for them, knowing if she’d enjoyed the day, she really was the woman for him. He felt a little bad about testing Alabama the way he was planning, but he’d been snowed too many times by women who he’d thought liked him for him, but were only pretending interest in what he liked. Deep down he knew Alabama wasn’t like that, so this wasn’t so much a test as it was a way to spend some quality time with an amazing woman.
    Abe shook his head as he pulled up to her apartment complex. It really was a piece of crap. He wouldn’t say anything her though, because he figured she didn’t make a lot of money. He hoped she’d open up to him today and tell him more about herself. He didn’t even know what she did for a living, except that it had something to do with Wolfe Realty.
    He moved the package on

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