Protecting Alabama (SEAL of Protection Book 2)

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Book: Protecting Alabama (SEAL of Protection Book 2) by Susan Stoker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Stoker
the seat next to him to the backseat before exiting his car and walking up to her floor. He knocked once and the door was opened almost immediately. He smiled. She looked great. Alabama was wearing a pair of well-worn jeans and a fitted V-neck T-shirt, the kind she usually wore. It was a deep purple color and plunged deep into her chest. Holding a white sweatshirt over one arm, she’d dressed just like he’d asked. He loved it.
    Alabama was nervous as all get out. She had no idea what they’d be doing today, but she trusted Christopher. She probably shouldn’t, but hell, if she couldn’t trust a Navy SEAL, who could she trust? Alabama tried on three different shirts before settling on the purple one. She thought it made her chest look “perkier,” and she’d always loved the color.
    Christopher looked good. He was wearing a pair of khaki cargo pants and a long sleeved shirt. It wasn’t tight like he was trying to show off, but it was snug. Alabama could see the definition of his arms. He was built. God, was he built. He was wearing a pair of combat boots on his feet. He was leaning against the doorframe of her apartment when she opened the door. If he’d been selling something, she would’ve bought whatever it was on the spot.
    Alabama stepped out of her apartment and wasn’t surprised when Christopher held out his hand for her keys. She remembered he’d done that the first time he’d picked her up too. She dropped her keys in his hand and watched as he locked her door. When he was finished, instead of putting the keychain in his pocket as he’d done the last time, Christopher turned and held it out to her. She smiled shyly at him as she took the keys and put them in her purse. He’d remembered how she wasn’t comfortable in letting him keep her keys and hadn’t pushed the issue. She liked that about him. Heck, so far she’d liked everything about Christopher.
    Abe took Alabama’s elbow as they walked down the hall. He winked at the old lady who was peeking out her door at them as they walked by. She winked back and smiled, then closed her door after they’d passed.
    As they settled into the car, Abe looked at Alabama. She hadn’t asked where they were going, although he could tell she was curious.
    Before starting the car, he leaned behind them and picked up the package. He handed it to Alabama and leaned one arm on the steering wheel and watched her.
    Alabama looked at Christopher in bewilderment. He’d gotten her a present?
    “Go ahead, open it.” Abe urged gently.
    Alabama carefully peeled back the paper on the package and looked into the box. It’d been a long time since she’d gotten a gift. Hell, she couldn’t remember when anyone had ever wrapped something up for her. She almost wanted to keep it wrapped and stare at it all day, but Alabama knew she’d look like a freak if she did that.
    After lingering over opening the gift for as long as she could she stared down at what he’d given her. It was a phone. Not one of the crazy expensive smart phones, he must’ve known she wouldn’t accept one of those, but a flip phone that you paid for as you used the minutes.
    Alabama bit her lip and tried not to cry. Mama hadn’t ever celebrated Christmas with her and certainly hadn’t bought Alabama anything for her birthday. Once Alabama entered into the foster care system, none of her foster-parents had cared enough to bother either.
    “I’m not taking it back, Alabama. You need it. I need you to have it. I need to know you’ll be safe when I’m not around.”
    Alabama looked around quickly, and seeing no one blurted, “I’ve never gotten a present before.” Tears sprang into her eyes and she tried to blink them back.
    “Hey, look at me, sweet.” Abe couldn’t believe what he’d just heard. He knew Alabama must’ve had a tough upbringing, but it’d obviously been worse than he’d imagined. When she wouldn’t look up, he put his hand under her chin gently. “Please?”

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