When I Forget You

Free When I Forget You by Courtney Noel

Book: When I Forget You by Courtney Noel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Courtney Noel
the freeway. What time is it? I look at the dashboard. Three thirty in the morning.              
                  “What the hell Becca? Why didn’t you wake me up? If you wanted to get going you could have just woke me up. I’d be happy to drive.” I unbuckle my seat belt and climb into the front passenger seat where Terance and Car are sleeping. Trying not to startle them too much, I pick them both up in my arms and put them in the back seat where they cuddle back up together.
                  “I just need to get home,” she finally says.
                  “Well I’ll drive, so you can sleep.”
                  “I can’t sleep,” she replies sharply.
                  “Why not?” Right after I ask, Becca’s phone beeps. I reach down on the floor to find a lit-up IPhone blinking the name “Henry.”
                  “Who’s Henry?”
                  “Don’t touch my phone!” Becca screams at me. She reaches over and grabs the phone out of my hand, making the car swerve a little. She seems pissed. Not at the fact that I touched her phone, but at something else. How long has she been driving?
                  “Where are we?”
                  “Lake Shasta,” she says. “About eight and a half hours away from home,” she continues.
                  “What? How long was I asleep?”
                  “Since about four in the afternoon,” she says.
                  “Didn’t you go to sleep then, too?”
                  “It took me about ten minutes after I started to hear you snore to realize that I wasn’t going to be able to sleep, so I decided to keep driving.” She still hasn’t looked at me.
                  “I’m hungry,” I say.
                  “Me too. I’m planning on stopping at the next McDonald's I see,” she says. “It won’t be hard to find one.”             
                  “You hate McDonald’s, Becca,” I say.
                  “How do you know that?” Her head snaps to the right and her eyes meet mine.
                  “You always have, ever since we were little. I would always want McDonald’s and you would want Burger King, and my mom would always take us to Burger King. I remember I would get so mad, but my mom just said I should always let the girl choose.”
                  “You remember that?” She looks shocked.
                  “Hey. I love McDonald’s. You scarred me as a kid,” I say. She snickers then pulls off the freeway.
                  “Whatever. I’m hungry and that’s the only place I know of that is open at three thirty in the morning,” she says. She pulls into the lit-up McDonald’s drive-thru and orders two big macs then looks at me.
                  “The second big mac wasn’t for me?” I ask.
                  “Heck no. I’m starved. Those two are mine. What do you want?” She pulls out a twenty and waves it in my face.
                  “Make it four big macs,” I say. She adds another two to the order then pulls up to the first window and pays the cashier ten bucks. She pulls up to the second window and takes the bag with our meal and hands it to me. She checks all the things in the bag to make sure it’s the right food. Becca’s dad really hates it when someone messes up a fast food order, so he always checks to make sure it’s correct. That’s where Becc learned it. David always says he doesn’t care if he holds up the whole line; it better be the right food that he paid for. We pull out of the drive thru, park, and eat in silence.
                  “So who’s Henry?” I look at her. She sighs, then looks up from her burger at me. She stares blankly at me for a couple minutes. Or

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