The Texas Lawman's Last Stand
anticipated that she might want to talk to you, since Mattie and your wife were in the hospital the day the maternity hostages were taken. Mattie’s got a good heart, and she probably wanted to tell you about your wife’s last hours. Am I right?”
    Bo didn’t answer.
    “I mean, why else would she have gone to you?” Ian added. Maybe he was faking it, but there didn’t seem to be any smugness in that remark. “I also had some of the other hostages and the nurses from the hospital followed. I figured it was one of the nurses who’d taken Mattie’s baby.”
    Interesting theory, especially since that had happened with one of the other hostages. But did Ian believe that had also happened with Mattie’s newborn, or was Ian’s explanation designed to try to put Mattie more at ease?
    Bo didn’t care right now. He only wanted this man away from his home.
    “Marshal Larry Tolivar also helped me find Mattie,” Ian commented.
    That grabbed Bo’s attention. “Helped how?”
    “Inadvertently.” Ian’s smiled returned. “The marshal was pressing any- and everyone who knew Mattie to give up her whereabouts, so I figured he’d find her. So, I had him followed, as well.”
    That was a lot of time and manpower to locate Mattie.
    “How can you save my life?” Mattie asked. She glanced over her shoulder when she heard Holly start to fuss. Bo knew that whine. Rosalie was likely wiping the baby’s face. But it obviously spiked Mattie’s nerves.
    “I’ll tell you that when I can actually see you,” Ian insisted.
    Bo was tired of this game and decided to put an end to it. “Mattie and I will meet you at police headquarters. You can tell her there.”
    He saw the flash of surprise in Ian’s expression, and he expected the lawyer to turn him down flat. But Ian checked his watch. “How soon?” Ian pressed.
    “An hour.” Bo looked at Mattie, and she agreed with a nod.
    “I’ll be there.” Ian turned as if to get back into his vehicle but then stopped. “Mattie, don’t go on the run again. It’s not necessary. I’ve worked out a deal for you. A deal that will keep you safe.” Ian handed the phone back to the officer, got in his car and drove away.
    “A deal,” Mattie repeated. She looked both hopeful and frightened. After all the attempts that had been made to get to her, Bo understood the reaction.
    He also understood what he had to do. He ended the call and called his captain. Yes, it was early, but this was too important to wait.
    “Tell Rosalie to get the kids dressed and ready to leave,” he instructed Mattie.
    Mattie must have wholeheartedly agreed with that request because she hurried away. Or maybe she was just anxious to get back in the room with Holly.
    “One of the officers at your house just gave me an update,” the captain greeted him.
    “Yeah. Ian Kaplan was here. Mattie and I are meeting with him at headquarters in one hour. But I want to move the kids before we go.”
    Bo walked back to the kitchen, where Mattie was trying to coax Holly from Rosalie’s arms. Holly would have no part of it, so Mattie ended up taking Jacob from the high chair instead. His son gave Mattie a tiss and wound his arms around her neck.
    “I thought you’d want the twins away from there,” Shaw answered. “So, here’s what I need you to do. The two officers at your house will take your nanny, Jacob and Holly to my house. I’m here and I’ll stay here for at least the next two hours. Then, Mattie and you can meet with Ian Kaplan. If nothing is resolved in that meeting, then we can work out a protective custody arrangement for Mattie and the kids if necessary.”
    Oh, it would unfortunately be necessary.
    “My advice?” Shaw continued. “Get the kids and Rosalie out of there quickly. If we’re really dealing with Kendall Collier, then it’s best to start putting up some buffers.”
    Bo couldn’t agree more.
    “One more thing,” Shaw said before Bo could hang up. “Those DNA test results should be done

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