Erin's Alien Abductors

Free Erin's Alien Abductors by Becky Wilde

Book: Erin's Alien Abductors by Becky Wilde Read Free Book Online
Authors: Becky Wilde
gave her a slap on the ass, then walked towards the bedroom door. “Get dressed, Erin. I'll have food ready by the time you come to the kitchen.”

    “Okay, thanks,” Erin stated, then covered her mouth as she gave a yawn.

    “Up and at 'em, little red. We'd better get some food into you before you fall asleep,” Jord stated as he helped her sit up.

    When they were all dressed once more, they made their way to the kitchen to enjoy the meal they had put off until they had joined with their mate for the second time.

Chapter Nine
    Erin met Honey and Rhiannon first thing the next morning after sharing breakfast with her mates, before they went off to work. They had decided to meet at the center of the small community every morning so they could chat whilst they walked to the abode they used to meet the UN-mated males.

    The women were no more than twenty feet from the abode when Erin felt a warning tingle at the nape of her neck. She gave a shiver as she looked behind her to see if anyone was watching or following them. When she saw no one, she gave a mental shrug to her over active imagination and continued walking with her friends.

    “You look very happy this morning, Erin. You got some last night didn't you,” Rhi stated being her usual blunt self. She gave a guffaw of laughter as she watched Erin's face turn bright red.

    “Rhi, cut it out,” Honey stated with a smile. “You go girl.” Erin gave a tinkle of laughter at her two friends and bent down to adjust the slipper on her foot as the back threatened to come off. She gave a cry of alarm as she felt two large muscular arms wrap around her waist from behind. She was lifted clear from the ground and thrown over a massive shoulder. She knew instantly it wasn't one of her mate's. The scent of the male holding her was totally foreign. She heard Rhiannon scream as the strange male began to run, taking her with him, but she couldn't hear what she'd said over the pounding of her own heart.

    Erin's shock finally began to leave and fury returned in its place. She pinched; punched, slapped and gouged using her nails any place she could reach. Her efforts didn't seem to slow her kidnapper down; in fact, she didn't think he even felt her attempts to free herself. He was a bloody giant and so muscular there was not a soft place on him. She pushed her hands against his back and tried to find Rhiannon and Honey. Rhi was running after them, but the male was so big, Erin knew there was no way Rhi could keep up. The distance between them was becoming greater with every step he took.

    “Put me down you asshole. What do you think you are doing? My mates are so gonna whip your butt,” Erin yelled.

    “Erin, I can feel your anger and fear. What has you so troubled, little mate” Miga asked in Erin's head.

    “Miga?” Erin thought, to him.

    “Yes, little one. What's wrong?”

    “I'm being kidnapped. Help me Miga, please?” Erin heard Miga's roar of fury echo in her head. “Stay with me little one. Do not close off from me. Jord, Biel, Tiem, Erin is being kidnapped by a rogue. We need to get to her now.”

    “Do you know where you are, little red?” Jord asked Erin.

    “He's heading towards the temple. I can't get away from him, nothing I do seems to slow him down,” Erin cried out with anguish through their link.

    “Do not worry, little Erin. We have contacted Rhiannon's High Chancellors and Honey's Mates. They are coming to help us.
    We will find you, Erin, but you must concentrate on keeping your mind connected to ours,” Biel stated.

    “I'm scared.”

    “Concentrate on us, little one. We will be with you soon.
    Where are you now?” Miga asked.

    “Just entering the temple. He has put me down on a sofa and is binding my hands and legs. Please, hurry.”

    “Rhiannon's mate's High chancellors Adarm, Thed and Gram are entering the temple now, little one. Try to stay calm, everything will be alright, Erin,” Miga opined through their mental

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