Seductive Secrecy (Shadows series)

Free Seductive Secrecy (Shadows series) by Marni Mann

Book: Seductive Secrecy (Shadows series) by Marni Mann Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marni Mann
that had fallen from my lids. I was wearing much more makeup than I usually did. I spent extra time on my eyes since I believed they were my best feature. I’d thickened the liner and extended my lashes with a second layer of mascara. I’d straightened my hair and curled my long chocolate locks around an iron to give them some wave. I hadn’t been this done up and polished in a while—certainly not for any art events I’d attended recently. The last time had been…at the mansion, actually. But this time, it was for a different reason, and a legitimate one: It was for the man I cared about.
    With only five minutes left until I had to meet Cameron, I walked out of the bathroom and moved over to our bed, slipping my feet into the high heels. I wrapped a jacket around me and took the elevator downstairs. As I walked into the lobby, Larry, our doorman, greeted me.
    “Good evening, Miss Charlie,” he said. “You look extra-lovely tonight.”
    Larry had been working in the building long before Cameron had moved in. He knew everyone by name. I’d only had to tell him mine once. He had never forgotten it.
    “Thank you, Larry. It’s nice to see you.” I gave the same sincere smile that came to my face every time I saw him. There was something about his personality that triggered happiness. I enjoyed being in his presence. “I’m supposed to be meeting Cameron down here. Have you seen him?”
    “Follow me, please.” He extended his arm out to me, and I latched my hands around it before he escorted me through the door and to the curb where a black limo was waiting.
    Just like the mansion...again.
    Larry opened the door to the backseat and held my hand as I ducked inside; Cameron was seated on the opposite end.  He gripped my free hand, assisting me until I was safely tucked in. It wasn’t entirely a surprise; part of me had expected this to be his ride of choice for the evening.
    “Have a wonderful night, Mr. Cameron, Miss Charlie,” Larry said just before he shut the door.
    “You look gorgeous,” Cameron said, leaning in to kiss my cheek. I thanked him for both gifts and he responded by giving me a second kiss. I closed my eyes and took in the scent of him. I smelled his cologne every day; I never grew tired of it. It was a combination of spicy mist and the scent of rain. Those notes mixed with our body wash and fabric softener. But they smelled different on his skin than they did on mine. They were more masculine, more enticing.
    I opened my eyes. “You haven’t even seen me in the dress yet.”
    The jacket I wore came to my knees. The only things he could see were my bare legs, and how the heels looked on my feet. He may have glanced at both, but his stare hadn’t lingered long if so. I never felt his eyes leave mine.
    “I don’t need to,” he said.
    I wondered if he’d notice that I had taken extra time on my hair and makeup. I knew he didthat was just Cameronbut something told me those preparations didn’t matter to him. Despite all the sexy outfits I had worn in our bedroom, he touched me in just the same way when I was wearing unmatched clothes and I was covered in paint.
    “Where are we going?” I asked as the driver pulled away from the curb. Our building rushed by my window.
    “It’s a surprise.”
    “No hints?”
    His mouth found mine before I could finish, landing softly at first, teasing the outside of my lips. He ran his tongue between them and gently inserted it. The kiss changed when I felt an urgency and desire pump through his body, electrifying his movements. He yanked me toward him as close as he could get me. As quickly as he’d hauled me to him, he released my face, my mouth, and pulled away. His hand was the only thing that lingered. It fell into my lap, clasping my fingers.
    “I just needed a quick taste of you,” he said, skimming his thumb over his bottom lip to wipe the sticky gloss that now shined on his mouth. “But to answer you: no…no hints. Tonight is going to be

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