Frat Boy and Toppy

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Book: Frat Boy and Toppy by Anne Tenino Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anne Tenino
Adam’s apple bobbing, pressed his lips together and nodded quickly. Then he just stared at Sebastian.
    That look nearly undid him. Brad was trusting him to make this good. Looking like he was relying on Sebastian to initiate him into some whole secret world he was desperate to be a part of. Like he’d been pressing his nose up against the toy store window for years and now he’d finally gotten that shiny red die-cast fire truck with the working ladder.
    “I wish you’d told me.” If he had known, he might not have taken Brad’s virginity at all, or at least not this way, but they were already here. He had to make it as good as he could now. That idea made his heart pound even harder and pulled at his nuts. The whole fucking thought of being Brad’s first—the first guy inside him—was making him lightheaded.
    Brad swallowed and gripped Sebastian tighter, looking truly scared for the first time that night. “If I’d told you, would you still have done it?”
    “I don’t know.” But that was a lie. He would have done it.
    Brad suddenly dropped his head and shoulders back on the floor. He’d been tensed and curled up toward Sebastian, but now he was relaxed, letting things be what they were. The look in his eyes was raw. “I wanted it to be you.”
    He looked so vulnerable and exposed. Sebastian felt something moving in his chest. A little thing tugging itself toward Brad. It wasn’t as if Sebastian was going to stop now—he couldn’t stop—but looking at Brad’s face made him feel like maybe this whole thing was somehow right.
    Carefully, Sebastian moved. He pressed slowly deeper into Brad. Brad’s eyelids dropped and then fluttered back open, eyes looking for Sebastian. Sebastian moved again, pulling out and pushing gently back in with short strokes. Not slow or fast. Careful. Working his way deeper. Trying to read Brad’s face.
    He stopped moving, fighting the pull to sink farther into Brad. “Feels good?” he asked quietly. He hung there in the darkened room, arms extended, holding himself up over Brad’s body. Maybe trembling a little. He wanted to hear it.
    Brad licked his lips, barely keeping his eyes open. “So good,” he said. Out of breath. Sebastian smiled as Brad curled his upper body up toward him, and he gave Brad what he wanted, leaning down to kiss him.
    It was possibly the sweetest kiss he’d ever shared. Especially with someone he was inside of. Short and strangely innocent, even when Brad’s tongue slipped into his mouth and tentatively stroked his. Then he retreated, and Sebastian was left hanging over him still, looking into Brad’s eyes.
    Brad finally released his biceps and started playing with his hair, but then he pulled one hand back and stroked down to Sebastian’s chest, watching with those wide, light eyes. He scraped his fingernails through the patch of rough-smooth hair between Sebastian’s pecs. Giving Sebastian chills. Tentatively he touched Sebastian’s nipple, and Sebastian murmured something encouraging so Brad wouldn’t stop exploring. Brad watched his hands play on Sebastian, but Sebastian found himself watching Brad’s discoveries play across his face.
    As Brad explored, Sebastian began to move again, watching him fight his falling eyelids, listening to the catch in his throat every time Sebastian pulled out. Brad’s fingers stilled and his eyelids fluttered shut, but he forced them open to watch Sebastian again.
    Sebastian wanted to see him lose that fight.
    “You’re just like I imagined,” Brad breathed. “You’re beautiful.”
    He looked alarmed by what he’d blurted out, his gaze flying up to Sebastian’s, mouth opening to say something. So Sebastian shoved himself into Brad harder and deeper than before. Balls deep, fighting his own eyelids. Brad arched up, moaning louder this time, mouth open, eyes closed, exposing his neck. Sebastian leaned down to run his lips up Brad’s throat. “ You’re beautiful,” he corrected.
    Brad whimpered.

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