Frat Boy and Toppy

Free Frat Boy and Toppy by Anne Tenino

Book: Frat Boy and Toppy by Anne Tenino Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anne Tenino
even the sweat on Sebastian’s abdomen, and it dragged a noise out of him he’d never heard before. One of those noises that came entirely from the gut.
    Sebastian kissed him, opening him wide and shoving his tongue in and stroking inside Brad’s mouth, and he felt like Sebastian was inhaling the noises he was making. He got lost in what was happening, until Sebastian pushed one of his legs up to his stomach. Brad grabbed it and yanked it up higher. Opening himself for Sebastian.
    That was when the panic hit. Just a little, but it died down when Sebastian looked into his eyes and ran a lubed-up finger behind Brad’s balls. Then he was making those noises again, but a lot more of them. Sebastian was on his knees and one hand, crouched over Brad circling his opening with one finger, fucking Brad’s mouth with his tongue.
    When Sebastian pushed gently against Brad’s hole—a lot more carefully than Brad had been with himself—and his finger slid in, Brad gasped, tearing his mouth away from Sebastian’s, staring at him. Yeah, it burned a little, but he’d done it to himself enough to be prepared for that. Fuck, he ached for more of it, knowing it was Sebastian inside him. The stretch felt good. Skin—someone else’s skin—felt a hell of a lot better than plastic. He sucked in breaths and watched Sebastian watch him while he eased himself in farther. Then he was kissing Brad again, rhythmically moving one finger, then two. Sebastian found his prostate and he jerked with the sensation. Moaning into Sebastian’s mouth.
    Sebastian stopped when he was fucking Brad with three fingers and Brad’s noises were coming closer together and louder and he was pushing onto Sebastian’s hand because he needed just a little bit more, a little bit farther in.
    Sebastian didn’t ease out of the kiss; he ripped himself away. He looked as dazed as Brad felt. Fingers still in Brad, he tore the condom package with his teeth and put it on one-handed, slicking himself up while twisting the fingers of his other hand inside Brad, lighting him up. Brad sucked in a sharp breath, eyes fixed on Sebastian as he brought his hips between Brad’s thighs.
    Everything slowed down from frantic and desperate to slow and intense. Sebastian eased his fingers out of Brad, guided himself to Brad’s ass. Brad sucked in another breath and held it, hands gripping Sebastian, staring into his eyes as Sebastian slowly pushed inside him. The smooth head pressed against his hole, working its way in easily at first, but then his ass clamped down and it fucking hurt. Brad took a deep breath as Sebastian pushed slowly but insistently, and he felt the muscle relax, Sebastian’s head pushing in. The pain started to melt away.
    Then Sebastian suddenly stopped, looking surprised. Staring down at Brad.

    It was after he’d shoved past the inner muscle, just his head inside Brad, that it hit Sebastian what a complete fucking idiot he was. His blood pounded in his eardrums and he fought his instinct to push in farther, no matter how welcoming and hot and perfect Brad felt. Brad was wide-eyed, shaking, gripping Sebastian’s biceps like he couldn’t decide whether to push him away or pull him closer, and Sebastian finally realized. He stopped easing himself inside Brad and stilled, hanging over him.
    The whole night with Brad replayed itself in fast-forward in his mind: Brad popping his head up like a scared rodent when he’d accidentally hit the car horn. Being sure that if he turned on all the lights Brad would freak out, so only turning on the low light in the kitchen. Scrabbling through his nightstand for lube and condoms, trying to get back to Brad before Brad panicked and bolted. The look in Brad’s eyes when Sebastian pushed his leg up to his stomach.
    “I’m your first, aren’t I?” Sebastian looked down at Brad, eyes wide, dark hair spiky with sweat. He looked terrified and elated. Breathing heavily through his mouth. He swallowed, hard, his

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