we can walk through the town,” he said, motioning toward the large weathered structure that hugged the river.
They walk ed the short distance to an old building with the words Yankee Fork Gold Dredge painted on the side in bold lettering and entered on the bottom level. Casting a quick glance around, it appeared to Britney that they were the only people inside, except for the freckle-faced teenage boy who stepped forward to greet them.
“Hi, I’m Mike,” he said. “Are you guys interested in taking the tour?”
“We are,” Jake responded, reaching for his wallet. He handed him a few bills, for there was a nominal charge for the tour, as the boy studied him curiously. He got the feeling Mike thought that he recognized him and was trying to decide if he was right. He smiled to himself, wondering how long it would take for the kid to get up the courage to ask him.
As they began walking, following a few steps behind their young tour guide, Britney’s curious gaze mov ed around the massive structure as Mike began his well-rehearsed dialogue.
“ From 1940 until it closed in August of 1952, the dredge dug out rock and recovered gold by washing and separating the rock, dirt, and gold,” he began, and then pointed out various pieces of equipment, explaining the purpose and function of each one. “The dredge is one-hundred and twelve feet long, fifty-four feet wide, sixty-four feet high and weighs nine hundred and eighty-eight tons. It was powered by two seven-cylinder Ingersoll-Rand diesel engines, which produced the electricity that operated the dredge.” He hesitated a moment, glancing toward Jake as if he wanted to ask him something, but then decided against it. He then went on to describe the dredge process in detail, and when Britney asked the occasional question, he answered her knowledgeably.
“ The Snake River Mining Company operated the dredge for several years until it reached a rock dike below Bonanza in 1949. At that time, they sold it to Mr. J.R. Simplot and Mr. Baumhoff who operated the dredge until 1951, when Mr. Simplot purchased his partner's interest.” As they neared the end of the tour, Britney continued to listen intently, though she couldn’t refrain from taking an occasional peek at Jake. She could tell that he wasn’t paying as close attention to Mike’s speech as she was, but that was probably because he’d heard it before, maybe more than once. She had to admit, it was extremely nice of him to offer to take her sightseeing. Most men in his position probably wouldn’t have bothered. She was just a temporary employee after all, here to do a job.
In the brief time that she’d known him, it was becoming increasingly clear to Britney that in addition to being impossibly gorgeous, Jake was also a really nice guy.
“ The dredge was then operated until 1952 when it ran out of mining claims on which to work,” Mike continued, as he wrapped up the tour. “The dredge hasn’t been operated since 1952, but it remains the largest self-powered dredge ever to operate in Idaho.”
“Thanks , Mike. That was really interesting,” Britney said honestly, as they reached the building’s exit.
“You guys are welcome to tr y panning for gold in the river if you’d like. It’s included in the tour,” he offered, motioning to a plastic tub full of small shovels and a stack of shallow metal pans on a nearby counter.
“Oh, that’s al right,” Britney said. It sounded fun, but she wasn’t sure Jake would be interested. He’d probably done it before anyway.
“I’m game. How about you?” Jake responded, looking at Britney with an engaging smile and raised brows. Despite her words, he’d noted her initial spark of interest at the suggestion.
“Sure ,” she nodded, pleased that Jake seemed truly up for it and not just summoning false enthusiasm for her benefit.
As Mike handed each of them a shovel and pan, he finally got up the courage