The Life of Anna, Part 2: Entwined

Free The Life of Anna, Part 2: Entwined by Marissa Honeycutt

Book: The Life of Anna, Part 2: Entwined by Marissa Honeycutt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marissa Honeycutt
but nodded in admission.
    The room was silent for a long time.
    “All right,” Kurt said, face inscrutable. “You’re the unmarried one. I’m stuck with Gretchen.” He turned and walked out of the room.
    Alex looked at his father. “Did you have any idea about his feelings?”
    Vati grimaced. “I saw the way he looked at her, but....” He shook his head. “I never imagined they went so deep. It’s unlike him.”
    Alex nodded. Very unlike him.
    Kurt walked back in a few minutes later, an even more sober expression on his face. “I just got a message from Mutti . They’ve taken Gretchen to the hospital. I need to go home.”
    “Oh, Kurt!” Alex exclaimed. He glanced at Vati.
    “I’ll call the pilot,” Vati said, reaching for his phone.
    “You don’t need to shorten your trip on my behalf. I can fly commercial.”
    Kurt’s calmness disturbed Alex. He stood and walked over to Kurt, embracing him in a tight hug. “I’m sorry, my brother.”
    Kurt nodded, sadness in his eyes, though Alex didn’t know if the expression was about Anna or from the phone call. “Take care of her.” He turned to Vati. “You should stay. Anna will want to see you tonight.”
    “Then you take the jet, Kurt,” Vati said. “You need to get home faster. I will fly out in the morning.”
    Kurt grimaced and nodded. “I’m going to go pack.”
    Anna stared at the houses passing outside the window of Devin’s BMW sports car. A few of them looked gold in the glowing light from the setting sun.
    She winced as she shifted in her seat. Devin had been rough with her this afternoon. Mixing pain and pleasure was messing with her head and she didn’t understand why she came so hard when he did it.
    “There is a banquet on Wednesday night that I’d like you to attend with me. The bank is sponsoring an event on the fourth and I am the MC for the evening. I’d like you to be there.”
    “Yes, Devin,” she said quietly. “What time?”
    “I’ll text you the information. You need a cocktail dress. Do you need help getting one?”
    Anna bit her lip. Her only shopping experience had been with Kurt and Wilhelm. Maybe she could call Jenna. “Could I ask Jenna to help me?”
    “Luke’s daughter?” He didn’t answer right away. “Yes, that would be fine.”
    “Thank you.”
    Anna felt awkward around Devin now. She had been foolish, thinking that he loved her. He wanted to use her, for what she didn’t know, but she knew he didn’t have feelings for her.
    Devin reached over and put his hand on her thigh, stroking it gently until he parked in front of Alex’s house. Eager to escape him, she reached quickly for the door handle.
    “Anna, wait.” She turned to Devin and was surprised to see regret in his eyes. “I’m sorry for what happened this weekend. I am trying to grasp all the things that happened this weekend.” He paused. “I hurt you, didn’t I? This afternoon?”
    Anna bit her lip and nodded.
    “I’m sorry for that.” He smiled. “I promise I will get my head on straight and be better on Wednesday.”
    Anna studied him. He looked sincere. She knew he liked to be in control and dealing with disappointments wasn’t easy. She gave him a timid smile. “Yes, Devin.”
    He stroked her cheek and leaned forward to kiss her deeply. “I love you, Baby.”
    “You do?”
    His face was soft as he nodded. “I do, Baby. I always have. I just need to get my head around what happened. I’m sorry for hurting you.”
    Anna felt her heart lighten. Maybe she hadn’t been as foolish as she thought. “I love you too, Devin.”
    “Get settled into your apartment and get to know your old friends in the next few days.” He caressed her cheek again. “Be young. Just be careful, too. I’d be devastated if anything happened to you.”
    Anna thought for a moment. “Aaron invited me to a party tomorrow night. May I go?”
    “Who’s Aaron?”
    “A dancer. I danced with him in my last performance.”
    Devin smiled. “You

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