The Life of Anna, Part 2: Entwined

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Book: The Life of Anna, Part 2: Entwined by Marissa Honeycutt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marissa Honeycutt
    “So take her on one.”
    Alex shook his head. “I want to, Vati. But if I ask her out now, I’ll never know if she’s with me because she wants to be or because she feels like she has to be.” He paused. “I wouldn’t make love to her this morning either. I want her to know that—”
    “You didn’t make love to her?”
    “I bonded with her at the ritual. Isn’t that enough?”
    “Why don’t you want to be with her?” Vati sounded irritated.
    “I do, but I want her to know I’m different. That I’m making love to her, not just fucking her.”
    “You need to be with her, Alex. It will solidify your bond with her. Until you do, she may not have confidence in her connection to you.”
    Many of the Brotherhood’s rituals revolved around sex. All types of sex. Alex didn’t mind. He liked sex. “I want her to know the difference,” he said softly.
    Vati frowned, but didn’t say anything. Alex could tell he was upset. But how could he have sex with Anna and still differentiate himself from the other men?
    “I want it to be different, Vati,” Alex repeated, running his hands through his hair. He was quiet for a few minutes. “I don’t know what else to do. I don’t know how else to be sure of her feelings for me. To be sure that she knows I’m different.”
    “You are different, Alex. She will learn that in time.”
    “I don’t want her to get hurt.”
    “Part of being alive is getting hurt, Alex.”
    Alex glared at his father. “Don’t you think she’s been hurt enough?”
    Vati didn’t answer right away. “Yes, Alex. She has. But avoiding her and encouraging her into a relationship that cannot last is not going to keep her from getting hurt.”
    “Then what else should I do?”
    “I don’t know, son. I wish I did.”

    Anna sat down on the bed, holding the program from the ballet. She should call Jenna and see if they could go shopping sometime soon.
    She put the number into her phone and then hit send. It rang once...twice...three times.... “Hello?”
    “Jenna? It’s Anna.”
    “Anna? Omigosh! You called! I’m so happy!” she exclaimed. “You have a phone now?”
    Anna smiled. “I do.”
    “Yay. So, did you get things figured out after moving out of Jack’s place?”
    “Yes. At least I think so."
    “So where are you living?”
    Anna hesitated. “I guess I have an apartment downtown.”
    “You guess? You don’t know?”
    “I haven’t seen it.”
    “You haven’t seen your apartment? Anna, you’re not making any sense.”
    Anna sighed. “It’s...really complicated.”
    “Okay...but, you’re not with Jack anymore?”
    “Good. So, when can we hang out?”
    Anna laughed softly at Jenna’s eagerness. It was nice to be wanted. “I need to find a cocktail dress for something on Wednesday. Could you help me find one?”
    “Shopping? Hell, yeah! How about tomorrow?”
    “That would be great.”
    “Cool. Are you going to Aaron’s party? He was asking if I’d heard from you this morning.”
    Anna smiled. “Really?”
    “I think he likes you, Anna. He kept talking about how pretty you looked on Saturday.”
    “Aaron wouldn’t feel that way about me. I’m his ‘Little Giselle’ remember?”
    Jenna laughed. “He’s aware that his ‘Little Giselle’ is all grown up now. Very aware.”
    Anna shook her head. “I don’t think I'm really his type, Jenna.” Besides, she needed to be available for Alex and Devin.
    "Why not? You've turned into a sexy woman. Guys will be tripping over themselves to ask you out. I mean, Kurt's a cool guy and all, but he's married. You shouldn't pin your hopes on a married guy, even if he is one of the hottest guys in town."
    “He left to go back to Frankfurt this afternoon.”
    “Oh. Well, then you’ve gotta come to the party and meet the guys.”
    Anna reminded herself that Jenna didn’t know about what had gone on in Anna’s life the last few years. The last thing she needed was a bunch

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