Anarchist Book 3

Free Anarchist Book 3 by Jordan Silver

Book: Anarchist Book 3 by Jordan Silver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jordan Silver
Chapter 1
    It took her a good minute after my announcement to answer. “You’re giving me to him?” her voice was soft and hurt, her yes filled with betrayal.
    “How many times have I told you that you’re not going back to him?” she still wasn’t catching on and for the life of me I don’t know why I didn’t just come right out and tell her.
    “Then what...who?” she looked scared enough to bolt and I had other shit to do before the happy event, so I couldn’t stand around here all day with her fuckery.
    “Just get that dress and be ready in half an hour, we’ve already wasted enough time, and I have to be out there with my men soon in case your beau decides to lose his fucking mind and come looking for you.”
    When she didn’t move but just stood there as if transfixed, I turned to leave the room. “If you don’t mind getting married in that then I don’t, I’ll be back to get you.”
    I pulled the phone when it rang on my hip and the read out said Clay calling. “What’s up brother?”
    “We’ve got a problem.”
    “Fuck, another one, what is it this time?” I moved faster on my way to the door. I hadn’t expected Davis to make a move this soon; I thought I had time.
    “It’s your cousin.”
    “Travis, what about him?” I stopped moving as my brain tried to play catch up.
    Travis was due back from his overseas job, there’s no reason for anything to be wrong with him.
    Unless the fucking plane went down, and I’m sure I would’ve heard about that before now.
    “Uh, he seems to be having some female issues of his own.”
    “What the fuck does that mean, and why are you bothering me with this shit right now?” sometimes I think my boys just like fucking with me.
    They think I’m too serious all the time; at least that’s what I keep hearing.
    So every once in a while they’d pull some shit that was supposed to get me out of my doldrums. The shit never works but that never stops them from trying.
    “You’d better get out here quick bro; by the way your priest is here.”
    “I’ll be right there.” I turned and looked back at her and my heart softened a little at the look of fear on her face.
    “Shit! Come ‘ere.” She actually flew across the room to me, and surprised the hell out of me.
    For some reason, maybe because there was too much shit going on in my world at the moment, I had the strange urge to pull her in tight and squeeze the hell out of her.
    “I want you to stop worrying, I told you I’d take care of you didn’t I?” she nodded against my chest. Now why the hell did that shit make my dick sit up and take notice? Not good.
    “Well the only way I can do that right now is by marrying you, that way it will give us time to come up with something else more long term.”
    “Isn’t marriage supposed to be long term?” it took her a minute to come up with that one. Why the fuck do females always have to make shit difficult?
    “Yes, but we won’t be getting married for real, I mean the ceremony will be real, it has to be in order for this to work, but we’ll be married in name only.
    When this is all over you can get a divorce or an annulment or whatever, and go on with the rest of your life.”
    “I won’t do it.” She pulled out of my arms with more force than I thought her little body capable of.
    “Excuse me?” see what I mean? Difficult. I should’ve gone with my first choice and just dragged her ass before the preacher and get this shit done.
    Instead I thought I’d show her the courtesy of letting her in on how I was planning to change her life for the next little while, and look what it got me. No doubt she was about to make my fucking head hurt the way only a female can.
    “I will not lie in front of a priest, think of something else. When I get married it will be forever and there will be no divorce.”
    “Do you understand that this is the only way I can keep you here for now without bringing down the law on my head?
    You’re of

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