My Lady's Pleasure
    “’Tis my quest, my lady.” Though he sat, he bent low in a bow, sweeping his arm to the side. “My purpose in life, to make sure every woman has the romance she deserves.”
    “Romance? What a useless illusion.”
    “You wound me. Come and sit. Let me change your mind.”
    She joined him on the bench. Odd how that they could sit together so innocently when mere hours before, she’d awakened to the feel of his fingers on her most sensitive place. Even now, her sex clenched, remembering the feel of his hardness inside it.
    “Every woman should be worshipped as the treasure she is. Her lover should hang on her words, pining away for a secret, sweet message from his lady,” Trey said. “He should praise her beauty and chastity in song. I'd like to do that for you, Lady Josalyn."
    ”You’re mad," she said. "Even if you're fool enough to think me beautiful, you know from direct experience I'm not chaste."
    ”You're married now. You gave your innocence to your husband."
    ”I slept with two men on my wedding night."
    He took her hand and pressed his lips to the back. "Necessity only. You were innocent and fearful. Your husband's a warrior and not attuned to the dreams of young women."
    Dreams. She'd never dared to hope that her dreams would come true. If her father had lived, he'd have married her off for his advantage, mayhap to a man his own age. When he'd died, his burdens had fallen on her. The Viking might have given her the freedom to enter a religious order, but instead, he'd taken her for his own advantage.
    Trey put aside the recorder and picked up his lyre. “I’ve only started this. I hope you approve.”
    He struck a cord and then sang.
    “My lady sweet, scorn not, this lad who loves you true,
    “I dream at night of your fair skin and of your eyes so blue
    “But, stay, oh stay!
    “By saints above,
    “Stay, oh stay!
    “And take…”
    “I haven’t quite finished it,” he said.
    “’My love’ are the words you want,” she said. “And, my eyes are green.”
    “’My love,’ exactly.” He took her chin and turned her face to his. “I’ll have to work on the eye color.”
    She jerked her head back. “The two of you make my head spin. He orders me into his bed, a bed that used to be mine. You spin nonsense and call it romance.”
    “Love is never nonsense.”
    “You don’t love me, and neither does the man I married,” she said.
    “Not true,” he answered. “A warrior loves in a straightforward manner. He approaches it the way he approaches battle–strategy planned and executed. He hasn’t time for frills and airs.”
    “An assault on my heart?”
    “More like a siege, Lady Josalyn,” Trey said. “I think you’ll enjoy it.”
    If the minstrel was right, she could expect more and more invasions from his body while the Viking tried to wear her down. She’d taken enough pleasure from his maneuvers both the night before and then again this morning. He’d had the aid of potions both times. Would she feel the same when she had to take that cock without Trey’s magic?
    “On the other hand, I can serve to adore you in a more courtly manner,” Trey said. “Either chastely from afar or much more intimately.”
    “How can you claim innocent love after what we did this morning?”
    He smiled. “Say you were still under the power of the ointment. I took advantage. I’ll have to perform some penance to win your trust and favor.”
    “This is all ridiculous,” she said. “I’m not some delicate flower of a woman closed away in a tower room.”
    “I’m glad.” He bent his head toward hers and kissed her for a short moment. No attempt at something more, just a soft tangling of lips, and yet it was laced with a potent magic that set her mind to wandering into a hazy landscape of desire.
    After a bit, he pulled back, and the look in his eyes said he’d traveled the same path as she had. “I’m glad you chose a more intimate love for the two of us.”
    “My husband will

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