Marrying Caroline (SEAL of Protection)

Free Marrying Caroline (SEAL of Protection) by Susan Stoker

Book: Marrying Caroline (SEAL of Protection) by Susan Stoker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Stoker
thumb over the back of his hand lovingly. It was obvious that she couldn’t muster up any strength to be truly irritated with him. “She didn’t tell any of us.”
    Caroline handed the phone back to Faulkner. “Okay, I’m ready. Hit play in just a second.”
    Caroline turned back to Matthew and walked straight into his arms. She looked up at him. “It’s not a conventional song.”
    Wolf interrupted her, “I’d expect nothing different from you, Ice.”
    Caroline smiled up at him and started again. “I mean, it’s not a conventional wedding song. Hell, it’s not really even a good song to dance to, but the first time I heard it, I thought of us. I looked up the lyrics and knew it’d be perfect. It reminds me of you and me every time I hear it now.”
    The music started behind them and Caroline smiled as the Goo Goo Dolls song, Come to Me played tinnily out of her little phone’s speaker.
    They swayed back and forth listening to the lyrics of a love that started with friendship. Caroline didn’t look away from Matthew’s eyes as they swayed back and forth, but she knew everyone was watching them with smiles on their faces.
    Caroline was floored when the song came to its crescendo, and Matthew sang the words to her, but changed them to fit their own current circumstances.
    “Today’s the day I made you mine, I didn’t get to the church on time. Take my hand in this hospital room, you’re my wife and I’m your groom. Come to me my dearest love, this is where we’ll start again.”
    “Oh my God.”
    Caroline heard the exclamation, didn’t recognize the voice, but ignored it anyway. She had eyes only for her husband. “You know this song?”
    “Yeah, Ice, I know this song.”
    He didn’t expound.
    “How?” Caroline demanded.
    “Honestly? You left your phone out one night and I saw you’d been listening to it. I looked it up and downloaded it. I figured if you liked it, I should listen to it. It’s a good fucking song. And now it’s our song.” He continued to surprise Caroline and semi-quoted the song again. “This is now our favorite song.”
    “Wow.” The words had come from the nurse standing in the doorway. It was her voice that Caroline had heard after Matthew had sung to her.
    “I think that’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in my life.”
    Caroline smiled. She couldn’t disagree with the woman.
    When the song was over, Caroline turned to Hunter. “So? How’d I do?”
    Cookie smiled at Caroline. “Good, Ice. You did good. I couldn’t have picked a better song for the two of you.”
    Caroline grinned at the compliment and turned back to her husband.
    “I love you, Matthew.”
    “I love you, Caroline.”

Chapter Ten
    Wolf settled back against the headboard and smiled down at his wife. He’d kept their honeymoon destination a secret from everyone, and so far it’d been perfect. Caroline thought they were headed to a beach somewhere. As much as he wanted to see her in a bikini, Wolf had a different destination in mind. Caroline had dropped enough hints about hoping he was taking her to Maui that he vowed to take her there on vacation before too much longer.
    His teammates had also tried to guess, and had thrown out ideas from Paris, France to San Francisco. Wolf had kept mum about where he was taking Caroline and he couldn’t be more pleased with the results of his sneakery.
    The only person he’d told was Fiona. Wolf needed Fiona to pack Caroline’s bags with appropriate clothing and girly stuff. Wolf didn’t expect Caroline would need many clothes. But he knew Caroline would want some of her own fripperies with her, so he’d told Fiona, and Fiona had sworn that she wouldn’t tell anyone, even Cookie.
    They actually hadn’t gone far from home. Wolf had taken them to Sedona, Arizona and checked them into a cabin high in the mountains. Wolf had researched it online and booked the most isolated room he could. He had plans to keep Caroline naked and in his

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