I, Lucifer: Finally, the Other Side of the Story
time - it was inevitable.) I had to make
an example of him. Ugly. I know gentle Nelchael has nightmares to this day. Gabreel himself got over it centuries ago.
Besides, I made it up to him in the fifteenth: a long weekend
with Lucrezia Borgia.
    I should explain. It's been a problem, this business of angels
having sex with mortal women. Not that all angels are
straight: Usiel's queer as a cat-fart; so are Busasejal and
Ezequeel, or Eezaqueen as we call him, to mention but three
of thousands. Most of us, when it cones down to it, will
enjoy carnal congress with the ladies and the gents. Same
goes for you, really - boarding school, stir, Navy -just needs
the right conditions to bring it out. Plus, queer consorting
has one huge advantage over straight action: no issue.
    ... the sons of God saw the daughters of men that
they were fair; and they took them wives of all which
they chose ...
    says Genesis 6:2. The `sons of God' were angels. My lot
(His lot acquired neither the taste nor the opportunity); the
`daughters of men' were, naturally, mortal women. What you're looking at here - though no one seems to notice - is
crazy copulation between renegade angels and up-for-it
earth girls. A pack of trouble. There are two ways of having it
off with mortals. The first is incubism (a word you haven't
invented yet but certainly should have, given the amount of
humping we've done), the second possession. With incubism, the angel stays an angel; with possession, the angel
slips into a human host to get the job done. Incubism's decal,
possession's bill roast. You lot do it with each other and half
the time barely feel a thing. When we get involved ... Ivah.
Gives me goosebumps just thinking about it. But as I've
said, possession's no mean trick. Incubism, on the other
hand, was something most of the fallen could turn their
hands to, and was still popular despite its want of salt. The
girls seemed to enjoy it, too, though they went through the
whole business somnambulistically, waking flushed and
guilty - `you wouldn't believe the dream I had last night,
Mari . . ' - not to mention the risk they ran of being burned
at the stake if word got out.

    But there were two b problems with inter-being highjinx. The first was what became known as carnal dementia.
An angel in this condition would become obsessed with his
earthly squeeze, at best to the point of neglecting his proper
functions and at worst to the point of leaving his post altogether to moon around the beloved, pining to become
human himself. Unacceptable, obviously. It's one thing to dip
your angelic wick, it's quite another to start dreaming of settling down in a two-bedroomed wattle and daub in Ur. That
would have been grounds for a ban sooner or later, even
without the second problem, the Nephilini. Genesis 6:4:
    There were giants in the earth in those days; and also
after that, when the Sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bear children to them, the
same became mighty men which were of old, men of
renown ...

    Rubbish. There were no giants in the earth in those or any
other days, and the idea that the Nephilim, the fruit of spiritflesh coupling, became `mighty men' is one of the most
preposterous distortions in the Old Testament. Through
some occult law governing congress between the Seen and
the Unseen realms, the Nephilim were dreary, whinging,
neurotic, useless, ugly little cretins. It's one of the few
remaining mysteries for me, why those kids turned out so
utterly without merit and aesthetic appeal. If they'd been
morally good, I'd have allowed them to survive in the hope
of corrupting them. If they'd been morally bad, I'd have
allowed them to live on the basis of their contribution to
fucking up the world. But they were so utterly, solipsistically
miserable and boring that they were, frankly, an embarrassment. It's amazing, isn't it: you think you're beyond
embarrassment, what with being Purely Evil and all

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