Bound to the Dragon King
find any Coke,” he says.
    “Oh, it’s fine. This water is actually amazing, I don’t think I’ve ever had anything so pure.”
    “I’d ask if you were just saying that, but it’s from an enchanted spring.”
    “If we bottled this, we’d be rich.”
    “You did notice the giant piles of gold and jewels that I have stashed away, right?” he laughs.
    “Oh, yeah. I never thought about how much it would be if it was converted into human money.”
    “I’m not ready to trade a single coin for any of that ridiculous paper. If you need any, just swipe it when I’m not looking so I don’t have to watch such an abomination occur. The third pile from the west corner is my least favorite, the one with that hideous sea monster statue on top.”
    “I’ll keep that in mind, but I still have my smuggling business to get me through the lean times.”
    “There won’t be any lean times.” Asher’s tone suddenly becomes so serious and solemn, his brow furrowed as he stares off into the distance.
    “Are you alright?”
    “Of course.”
    “You can tell me what’s bothering you, Ash.”
    He hesitates for a moment before saying, “I just wish I had been there for you.”
    “What? When?”
    “The whole time. When your father used to torment you. When your mother died. When you had to move above ground to escape it all and didn’t have anywhere to go in a world you didn’t understand.”
    “You were there,” I tell him emphatically, scooting closer to him.
    “No I wasn’t.”
    “Yes, you really were. I never would have made it without you.”
    “If I was really there, you wouldn’t have had to risk life and limb smuggling magical goods to the human world to feed yourself,” he replies bitterly. “I’m proud of you, don’t get me wrong. Very proud.” He pulls my hand to his lips and kisses my fingertips. “But I still let you down.”
    “Ash…” He still looks so exhausted, I can’t imagine the pressure he’s under right now and I can’t just let him sit there and suffer through it. At first, an all too familiar helplessness crushes my heart, but then I get an idea.
    I kiss his cheek before crawling over to my backpack. That cleansing tea I had at Georgia’s was so incredible that I bought a premade version at the market. It won’t be as strong, and no one has as many cares to cleanse away as Asher does, but it should help a little bit. I pull out a mug and fill it with that enchanted spring water that won’t be cold for long.
    Asher watches me with curious eyes as I close my own. The inferno is so much easier to find now, it’s nearly effortless. Within seconds the water is boiling hot and I drop the tea bag in the cup and cast, “Cleanse.” We both grin when it turns that beautiful sky blue color and the scent of blooming spring wildflowers fills the air. I’m about to offer it to him when my instincts tell me that it’s not finished, or rather that it’s not quite right for him yet.
    I can’t resist taking a refreshing gulp before I’m huddled over my bag again, digging around for a bit of powdered amber that I bought at the market. I didn’t know why I had to have it, but I couldn’t walk away from that vendor until I did. I add a pinch directly to the tea, gasping as the liquid flares before turning into a deep electric blue and the scent changes to something spicier that fills my mind’s eye with a vision of a gorgeous sunrise.
    Asher inhales deeply. “What is that?”
    “Something I made just for you,” I reply, crawling into his lap and offering him my creation. I thought it would take some convincing to get him to take it, but he drinks it down greedily, the tension leaving his shoulders more and more with every gulp.
    There’s a trace of his worries left when he’s done and I’m more determined than ever to chase it away. I’m straddling his thighs, my pulse racing as I feel his arousal grow against me. The brand on my leg flares when I press my lips to his forehead,

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