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Book: Deadly by Ker Dukey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ker Dukey
spontaneous and erratic in their behavior compared to that of a psychopath. While both have difficulties forming attachments to others, they may be able to form an attachment to a like-minded person. When a sociopath commits a crime, they do so in an impulsive and completely unplanned manner, without thinking about the risks or consequences. Agitation and becoming enraged easily and quickly is a trait sociopaths have and that can lead them to violent outbursts. The fact that they can be erratic and impulsive with their violent surges increase the chances of them being caught for the crimes they commit.
    Maybe she is a sociopath, maybe she isn’t but what I know for sure is she’s mine and I’m hers, and we need to be together, wherever that may be. I suppose it was inevitable that I would end up back here.
    I look up at the familiar building and roll my head over my shoulders. Walking up to the gate I hold up the hammer and tell the guard I want to smash his brains into mulch. I begin shouting, “I want to kill people, I want to cave their heads in and bathe in their blood.”
    When the door closes behind me as I’m taken to a room – cell - everything feels full circle, only the difference is … I’m not alone this time, somewhere in here my sweet Cereus waits for me.

The chemicals they pushed into my arm were swimming through my system causing the hollow ache to stop hurting. They took me to Blue Water, the place they held my Ryan for all those years. Maybe this was my penance, his ghost can chase me in the dark in here. The memories of my life keep blurring and I’m not sure I want to remember that life.
    It hurts too much to remember.
    In a weird messed up way I feel close to him in here, living life through his eyes, maybe? Witnessing what he did…
    The lights shut out and darkness shrouds me. Maybe this was how it was always supposed to be. I’d got it wrong, thinking I was with Ryan in the dark because the truth was…
    We are completely isolated in darkness. Even our shadows leave us…

    The End

Coming soon
    (A Brother’s Best friend novel)
    By Ker Dukey

    Soul mates.
    Alexandria (Alex)
    Not everyone believes they exist, but that’s because they have never met theirs.
    How can someone who has never felt a connection so fierce that you feel the power of it in every molecule of your being, believe such a thing exists? How can you explain to them that the jolt that ignites every nerve ending in your body is like the sky crackling and exploding with lightening before it joins with the earth for the briefest yet most magnificent of moments, displaying the true force of nature’s power?
    When that one person you were created with comes into your life you know without any doubt that they’re yours and you are theirs. It’s nature in its truest form. There is nothing more natural than falling in love with your soulmate.
    True love is like an out of body experience, you transcend before crashing back into your body, seeing life through new eyes.
    You don’t just find your soulmate; you reunite with them with intensity so powerful nothing can stop it. A love so potent you feel it in the atmosphere, and you see it in their aura.
    Dalton Moore was my soulmate and I lived to love him.
    He was in my every childhood memory.
    Every dream I conjured.
    He was every good decision I made…
    But for him… I was in his every childhood memory.
    Every nightmare he slipped into.
    I was the worst decision he ever made.

    An erotic thriller by
    D H Sidebottom
    After her mother abandoned her when she was just fourteen, Dove fled the only life she’d known with her younger sister, Serenity, frightened that the authorities would tear them both apart.
    Leaving behind a life of poverty and constant hardship with the group of traveller’s she had grown up with, Dove has no choice but to turn to a life of debauchery and prostitution to feed their bellies and provide them with shelter and

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