Stealing Luca's Heart

Free Stealing Luca's Heart by Ellie Lyons

Book: Stealing Luca's Heart by Ellie Lyons Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ellie Lyons
maintain and expand what’s been given us. I didn’t go to a posh university because I had to learn very early on how to calculate international currency rates and shear a sheep in the same five minutes. I have more practical business experience now than most people gain in their entire lives.”
    Ally noticed Sean roll his eyes and was thankful Luca didn’t see it. “If the farm is so important, why did you get into rugby?”
    “Let’s just say I had lots of energy that needed channeling when I was younger. My parents and teachers thought it would be a good outlet for me, not to mention I was damn good at it. It was that or sneaking off to go tag bridges after school or beat up on poor Sean over here. I love the farm, don’t get me wrong. But I also have other interests.”
    “Like this little game you play on the weekends?” She watched Sean stand and head into the galley.
    Luca’s eyes lit up. “You gotta love it. We’ll get you to a match while you’re here, and then you’ll see. It’s much manlier than American gridiron ball.”
    Ally tilted her head. “Gridiron ball?”
    “Oh, sorry, you call it football. Here, football is soccer.”
    She chewed on a bit of her sandwich, intrigued with the way Luca lit up talking about his sport. He didn’t need to be spending the entire flight chatting with her. Perhaps the family was just being overly nice in hopes she didn’t sue them. Somehow she doubted that was the case.
    Sean sat back down in his seat and twisted the top off a soda. “Sean, what did you do while you were away?”
    “I was gone for a few years on a long OE. The last year or so I’ve been just getting back into the swing of things on the farm. Luca’s got a project that he’s been having me work on lately, but after that we’ll have to sort out what slice of the pie will be mine.”
    There was that rivalry thing again. “What’s an OE?”
    “Overseas experience. I keep forgetting you’re a Yank,” Sean said. “Kids take a year off and travel the world a bit before getting serious with university or a job. They go to London and wait tables or whatever. I went abroad, met some interesting people, and stayed longer to go to Uni in Europe. I wasn’t sure when I’d be back. But last year I knew it was time to come home.”
    Luca jumped in, “He’s heading up an exciting project out in the canyon. It’ll be easier if I show it to you, rather than try to explain. Let’s just say it will change the way kiwis use energy. Actually, I was going over it with your dad about a few days ago.”
    “Wow, that’s quite a tease. I’d love to see what you’re talking about,” Ally admitted. “Sean’s project sounds very mysterious. You’ll trust your secret with me?”
    “Sure,” Luca said. They both watched Sean stand and move to the front of the plane and enter the cockpit. “It’s going to become public knowledge soon anyway. I never did an OE since I get to travel quite a bit by with the rugby team. I use my celebrity status when I can to get the Cook’s View Station name out there in hopes of opening some doors.” Luca glanced at his watch and then out the window. “Do you like wine?” Luca asked suddenly.
    “Of course, why?”
    “If you look out your window, you’ll see we have left behind the North Island, crossed Cook Strait, and are above the South Island where most of the New Zealand wines are made. We have a little boutique vineyard that just started producing wonderful sauvignon blanc. We’ve just started exporting to the States. I could include that in your tour if you like.”
    Ally felt her face warm, contemplating his suggestion.
    Luca chuckled and continued, “I’ll admit that I’m a bit more of a beer man myself, but even I think the stuff’s damn good.”
    “That sounds nice, but I really can’t think of anything like that right now. I can’t think of this as a vacation, Luca. Maybe once I see Dad, I’ll relax a bit more. Thank you for the offer.” Oh,

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