
Free Omega by Kassanna

Book: Omega by Kassanna Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kassanna
snatched the scalpel from the tray next to her microscope. It was time to act and pray Colin was waiting for her beyond the walls of the building. Malachai spun around and reached out to grab the Seri. He held her by her tiny arm. “Robbie, pick up Marree; we need to find Tom and get out of here.” He twisted in a half circle peering at her before returning his gaze to the door.
    The sound of thunderous footsteps filled the hall beyond her lab. Resignation engulfed her psyche. She’d almost made it out with the toddlers, but at least she had answers to the questions that had been plaguing her. Marree’s small hands tugged on the hem of her shirt. Now was not the time to be weak; she could fall apart later. If she couldn’t save herself, she would do her damnedest to save her children. Get them away from Malachai and she could send them out with the exodus of civilians flooding the exits. Her heart thumped so hard, she was sure it could be heard even above the alarms blaring.
    The metal handle of the slim knife cooled her heated palm. If she was fast enough, she could catch Malachai from behind. With the drugs still in his system he couldn’t react as quickly as normal. The inside of her arm grazed her stomach. Not only did she have to protect the children stolen from her, but also the babe she carried. It was time for payback. Malachai glanced over his shoulder, frantic confusion marred his features, sweat rolled down his temple. He was crazy desperate and Colin was right. It was time to get the fuck out of there. Malachai hesitated in his steps. “Baby?”
    She rounded on Malachai. Her weapon plunged deep into his biceps. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped as he staggered back shoving her office chair out the way as he fell back. Kiele lifted her fist, the weapon still clutched in her grasp. Blood flew off the knife and a crimson circle bloomed on the sleeve of his shirt.
    Her sole intention was getting the girls away from a madman. Why hadn’t she noticed how looped Colonel Malachai was before? She lunged and Malachai turned just as she raised her hand and buried the scalpel in his shoulder, cutting her fingers as her blood-covered hand slid down the blade.
    He shuffled back, releasing Seri. She snatched the kid away and shoved the child behind her. She swung low, aiming for his pelvis. He dodged the attack, and wind-milled his arms to keep from stumbling over the chair. She dropped the scalpel and spun around to heft up the children. Marree held her arms up while Seri huddled under the counter.
    “Please, baby, please come here.” Robbie panted as she held her hand out.
    Malachai gripped her wrist and yanked her out the way as she gripped Seri’s sleeve. He stumbled in front of her. “You can’t have them!” His eyes bulged as screamed.
    She tugged the child’s clothing. Seri bared her teeth and snapped at her fingers. Malachai shoved her back and her butt hit the spinning wheels of the overturned chair. Dampness bloomed across her ass cheek. She stared at the small child clinging to Malachai and her heart broke. She was out of time, no way could she stay and fight without someone coming to look for the colonel. Tears blurred her vision as she backed away, starring at the little girl she didn’t even know she’d conceived. Robbie hugged her close as she moved across the space. She glanced over her shoulder at Seri one last time, committing her features to memory. I am so sorry, baby girl . Ducking out the room, she blended with the civilian personnel leaving the building through fire exits.
    Marree stretched her arms beyond Robbie’s neck screaming, “Seri!”
    * * * *
    Colin tapped the steering wheel, watching as people poured from the exits. In his anxiousness he pressed his foot on the gas pedal and the engine revved. Robbie appeared and moved from his view before reappearing. She held one child to her chest. He searched the area around her for the other kid and pressed his palm on the horn. She

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