All That He Demands (The Billionaire's Seduction Part 3)

Free All That He Demands (The Billionaire's Seduction Part 3) by Olivia Thorne

Book: All That He Demands (The Billionaire's Seduction Part 3) by Olivia Thorne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Olivia Thorne
Tags: Romance
a bit of an exaggeration, but not much.
    “Hold on, I’ll be back in a minute,” he said as he grabbed a robe and padded out into the main room of the penthouse.
    I walked down the steps into the jacuzzi and sat on one of the little ledges as the deliciously hot water began to fill up the tub. It was up to my waist when Connor finally returned, carrying a bowl of fruit and two glasses of orange juice from the breakfast table outside.
    “Just in case,” he said, and set everything down beside the tub. Then he grabbed his shaving kit, placed it by the food, dropped the robe (yum) and walked down into the jacuzzi to join me.
    “Stand up,” he said, and when I did, he sat down and pulled me onto his lap. “Much better.”
    We kissed as the water rose around us, filling the air with steam. Then he broke away from me and shut off the faucet.
    “Hold on a sec.” He unwrapped a fancy package of soap by the tub and began to lather it between his hands. “Now… time to get clean.”
    He began to rub his soapy hands across my back, my neck, my shoulders, and most of all my breasts.
    “I think you’ve got them clean enough,” I teased after he’d spent a good sixty seconds on them.
    “Nope,” he said as he continued fondling them. “Gotta make sure.”
    After a minute I returned the favor, working up a lather and running my sudsy hands over his chest, his back, his neck, and his arms. I loved the sensation of my fingers tracing the outlines of his powerful muscles, feeling his firm, taut flesh as my soapy hands glided over him.
     Once I was finished he rummaged around in his shaving kit and pulled out a razor, one of those snap-on kinds with the five safety blades, and a can of fancy shaving cream with French on the label.
    “You mind?” he asked while he lathered up his face.
    “No.” In fact, I was curious to watch him.
    He paused, looked at me, and then grinned. “You want to do it?”
    My eyes grew wide. “What? No!”
    “Why not?”
    “I might cut you!”
    “You shave your legs, don’t you?”
    “Yeah, my legs! I’ve never shaved anyone else before!”
    “Always a first time.” He winked at me. “Come on… I don’t have a mirror.”
    “There’s one right there,” I said, gesturing to the long mirror over the sinks.
    “Yeah, but I’d have to get out of the bath. Help me out.”
    I shook my head woefully, then acquiesced. “This is a bad idea.”
    “This is a great idea,” he grinned, then pulled me onto his lap again, straddling and facing him.
    I could feel him between my thighs, thick but soft, brushing against the inside of my thigh as the water currents moved it.
    I would have been turned on if I weren’t so nervous.
    I began by shaving down his cheek.
    “After you shave down, shave up, too, against the grain,” he said, enjoying watching my nervousness.
    “I can’t believe I’m doing this,” I said as I dunked the razor in the water, washing away the lather.
    “I trust you implicitly,” he grinned. “I am literally putting my life in your hands.”
    “Don’t smile, it makes it harder.”
    “Yes ma’am,” he said, and took on a mockingly serious expression.
    After the first few strokes, though, I began to get the hang of it – and I began to enjoy it. The soft scrape of the blade on his skin… the miniscule vibrations of his whiskers under the metal… the curves and slopes of his face and jaw as I traced the razor across it.
    It was incredibly intimate – something I’d never done with anyone, or to anyone, ever before.
    Come to think of it, the last 24 hours had been full of firsts.
    Of course, with this one, I was more focused and attentive than with any of the others.
    I was incredibly present, aware of everything. Our bodies were pressed against each other, almost as close as if he were inside me. I saw every little detail, from the beads of sweat slowly dripping from his tousled hair, to the cleft in his chin that was so difficult to shave. I inhaled the sweet

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