Sun Sign Secrets

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Authors: Amy Zerner
    Cancerian Likes
anyone who has a kind heart
mementos from family and friends
comfort food
shopping sprees
history and psychology books
sentimental gifts
birthday cards
old friends
a beautiful home
cuddly pajamas or soft blankets
    Cancerian Dislikes
harsh words
fast food
people who forget important dates
not being acknowledged for her contribution
talking to strangers
a messy home
having to respond quickly, without time to think
not having money
being nagged at or lectured
    The Secret Side of Cancer
Cancerians are often affected by the time of day they decide to do something. Plans made at night become harder to make real in the daytime and vice versa. If they find themselves forgetting to put the plans of last night into practice the next day, they must be as patient and forgiving of themselves as they would be with the mistakes made by a child.
    The Moon
The Moon, which is considered a planet in astrology, is associated with the sign of Cancer. The way in which the Moon seems to change size and shape, along with the Moon's effect on the constantly shifting ocean tides, resembles Cancer's ever-changing moods; however, the Moon's changes are a lot more predictable.
Astrologers of old associated the Moon with our emotions, our emotional intelligence, our intuition, and the expression of all of these things. Because it changes shape from full to new on a schedule so close to that of a woman's menstrual cycle, the Moon is associated with women, fertility, planting, childbirth, mothering, and nurturing in general. It also rules the relationship between mother and child. Watching over us all the time, though not always seen, the Moon represents our unconscious attitudes, patterns, and past conditioning. This celestial body rules the breast and stomach.
    Bringing Up a Young Cancer
Cancerian children love to use their imaginations and are easy to get along with, provided they are given lots of warmth, approval, and attention. Usually gentle, complacent souls, they most of all are sure of what they want and need.
Cancerian youths need to feel free to express their emotions through art, music, writing, or any other form of creativity. They need plenty of outlets for their vivid imaginations. Thus, young Cancerians should be taught the basic techniques of any art form and given the proper materials and space within which to be creative.
The parents of a Cancerian child must find a way not to be too possessive or overprotective. They may worry too much about their little Cancerian child, as children born under this sign are deeply sensitive to emotional hurts and rejections and are prone to withdrawing into their little shells. If the child feels unloved or neglected, she could grow up to be a reclusive, withdrawn adult who is overly self-protective and reluctant to trust or get too close to other people.
Like those born during the other Water signs, Pisces and Scorpio, Cancer children can be very intuitive; many may display what appears to be psychic abilities. Their caregivers need to value this while guiding them to develop their logical faculties too.
    The Cancer Child
The typical Cancer child:
likes to be hugged
may cry a lot
changes moods from day to day
likes to save money
can manipulate to get what he wants
loves mealtime
is fascinated by picture books
gets her feelings hurt easily
withdraws if unhappy
can play alone for hours
conjures up imaginary playmates
likes traditional fairy tales and myths
    Cancer As a Parent
The typical Cancer parent:
likes to organize birthday parties
supports creativity
is overprotective
is very reassuring when fears arise
enjoys playing with the kids
will do anything to help
displays affection
Cancerians are emotional types who may suffer from stomach problems when under stress. They tend to bottle things up and are prone to ulcers. As they do not like to burden other people with their problems, they tend to suffer in silence. Typical Cancerians need material

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