Sun Sign Secrets

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Book: Sun Sign Secrets by Amy Zerner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Zerner
security, plenty of affection, and a sense that they are needed. As long as these needs are met, they can handle a lot.
Wholesome food and regular meals are important to Cancer. Overindulgence in sweets can result in extra weight gained in later years. Since theirs is a water sign, Cancerians should try taking long, warm baths to relax.
Louis Armstrong
Bill Blass
Mel Brooks
Bill Cosby
Tom Cruise
Diana, Princess of Wales
Harrison Ford
Bob Fosse
John Glenn
Tom Hanks
Ernest Hemingway
Frida Kahlo
Lindsay Lohan
Nelson Mandela
George Orwell
Gilda Radner
Ginger Rogers
Carlos Santana
Carly Simon
Sylvester Stallone
Ringo Starr
Meryl Streep
Robin Williams

“We are born at a given moment, in a given place and, like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season of which we are born.”

    July 23–August 22
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Quality: Fixed
Day: Sunday
Season: summer
Colors: gold, orange, yellow
Plants: marigold, sunflower, nasturtium
Perfume: orange blossom
Gemstones: amber, carnelian, citrine, ruby
Metal: gold
Personal qualities: Creative, dramatic, proud, organized, and romantic
We call the following words “keywords” because they can help you unlock the core meaning of the astrological sign of Leo. Each keyword represents issues and ideas that are of supreme importance and prominence in the lives of people born with Leo as their Sun sign. You will usually find that every Leo embodies at least one of these keywords in the way he makes a living:
self-assertion • creativity • a place in the Sun • recognition
theatricality • hobbies • leadership • romance • pleasures
fun • hospitality • openheartedness • appreciation • beach resorts
fame • playfulness • entertainment • children • luck • gambling
sports • acting out • games • performance • sun worshipping
love affair • regal bearing • self-love • hero or heroine
prizewinner • golden objects • show business
    Leo's Symbolic Meaning
Leo is the sign of the creative organizers of the zodiac. Practically no one is as good as they are at recognizing the solution to a problem and organizing the means to solve it. It is this ability that gives rise to Leo's reputation as a great leader. Like all leaders, most Leos feel more comfortable when they are telling others what has to be done rather than taking care of the routine details themselves. They get annoyed with themselves for this trait, but not for long, because Leos like themselves a lot. They put themselves where there is much that needs to be done and they associate themselves with the right group of people so that their creative input is always welcome, even if they do not always jump in and get their hands dirty.
The symbol for Leo is the strong and proud male lion, a most appropriate symbol. Not only is a group of lions referred to as a “pride,” but also the importance of personal pride to those born during the time of Leo cannot be overstated. They do not want to be connected to anyone or anything that they do not feel is up to their high personal standards.
Showing us all how things are done is a special gift that Leos possess. This is why they have such a knack for drama—acting, the arts and music, or any form of display. Their generosity requires them to create situations and objects that will benefit and entertain them and those they consider worthy to be connected with them.
Leo is one of the four Fixed Sun signs of astrology (the other three are Taurus, Scorpio, and Aquarius). Fixed signs are stable, resolute, and determined. They represent the force of holding steady. Being a Fixed sign makes Leos loyal, stubborn, and proud.
Leo is also a Fire sign, one of three (Aries and Sagittarius are the other two). Fire signs are primarily energetic, enthusiastic, and impulsive.
Leos are legendary for their ability to help and protect those who acknowledge them as special people. They gain a

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